OK...will put my 2 cents in....
Started off in Fall River, MA...thence to southern Virginia for most of my childhood (little town called
Keysville...claim to fame is that old Jeff Davis stopped the train that was evacuating the Confederate
capital at the end of the War of Northern Aggression there overnight before continuing to escape
the blue invaders), then we moved up here to the people's republic oops New Jersey. Went to college
in Da Bronx (Fordham U)...lived there till 84...moved out to Kansas City (beautiful town...beautiful women...
great food...) for a while, then, in a fit of insanity moved back to Noo Joisey. Been here since then...
currently living just outside the capital city.
I've done TDY in Houston, TX (sorry, texans, that town is lacking something....) and San Diego for months
at a time.
I may be living north of Mason/Dixon, but don't consider myself a Yankee...