
I'm going to try and do the day justice

Been out in the sun today on the boat and then back on the black 750 for a bit this evening as well and a few road pos have happened while I sized all these for posting...........

I was up before anyone else and decided today would be a good time for my oil change.
Rode up to the Honda dealership and picked up some oil. Done

Howard ready to go.......

To be honest, this was one of my worst days of riding

We went though some canyons and the headed out onto the plains on the way to the Areosmith concert. The 2 gentlemen I was riding with kind of forgot I was on a small Cafe bike........, had no windshield, there was a 25 mph head wind with a constant 35 mph crosswind and grasshoppers the size of birds.
At one point while I was getting blitzed by bugs I had a wasp/bee/hornet get into my shirt.
Smacked my back as far as I could reach many times and finally pulled over ,,,.........realizing they were WAAAAAAAy a head I stopped for a bit and sorted out my jacket and stuff. Had a beer, smoke break. They could wait!

At the last intersection before Concert Campground.

Entering the Concert Venue "Buffalo Chip Campground"

Some bikes and stuff on display around the area.

I decided I had walked around enough and dropped to the ground quite prepared for 3 hours till the concert.

The crowds started filling in and Helicopter rides were available as well. No I did not go

the rest later.........