I have some pics up in the gallery, showing the original miles just under 17,000. I bought it from a CB750 enthusiast in Ozark Mountain country who had a few, and took great care of it. All original besides the tank (from a 750A) and the of course the pipes. I have an owners and shop manual and have already been through the carbs (a few times!), put on a new tire and changed out the fork seals (original ones were fun to get out!). I am amazed a machine that was built more than 30 years ago runs at all, much less this well. With the carbs cleaned really well, it now starts flawlessly every time. I ride it as often as I can and love it.
As I am new to bikes, if I notice something odd with the bike I check for solutions here. Of course it has to warm up a bit, but starts great and will idle well after a few minutes of riding. It does after it's warmed up though, tend to get bogged down when starting from a standstill. I feel like I have to ride the clutch a lot so it doesn't die. I believe this is due to a rich mixture? It's a little harsh coming out of or going into first gear sometimes, and the tach is a bit off I think. It reads just under 2k for me to set a smooth idle without a lot of chain noise. The seat, which is near perfect, developed a small tear about 200 miles after I bought it...bummer, and its going to need a new chain soon as the original is tightened up about as much as I can and still has a little more play than it should.
Overall though, I feel in my limited opinion, that its in great shape, and runs really well. One of my photos is attached.