Author Topic: #2 not firing  (Read 809 times)

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Offline milogreen

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#2 not firing
« on: August 19, 2009, 10:46:38 AM »
In the process of syncing my carbs I discovered that # 2 cyclinder wasnt firing. I checked the bowl for gas ( plently) and  checked the plug for spark by pulling the plug and hooking it up to the plug wire and holding against  the engine (seems like good spark, Shocking experience) I even tried switching plugs still no heat from # 2 pipe. I checked the tappets as well.  My guess is a bad coil wire but I did get good spark when I held the plug against the block. Any ideas? ???

Offline johnny_from_bel

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Re: #2 not firing
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2009, 10:52:04 AM »
First measure the compression just to make shure.

To find out if it is a fuel or igition question. Take the airbox off and run the engine.
Spray some starter fluid (like startpilot) or WD40 in carburetor of #2.  If it caches on, its a fuel problem if not it is ignition.

Offline Mdub

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Re: #2 not firing
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2009, 12:20:37 PM »
I recently had that problem and it f'd with me for half a season.
Turned out to be a brass float with pinholes in it, allowing it to sloooooooooooooooooowly fill with gas.
Looks like plenty of fuel in the bowl and there is, but, with a half submerged float,
the float needle/metering mechanism doesn't work so well.
Remove the float (if it's brass) and shake it to see if there is any gas in it. I've seen plastic ones 'water (gas) log' as well.

A quick check is to swap floats around and see if the problem follows the float.
Good luck,
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Offline Johnie

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Re: #2 not firing
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2009, 12:53:40 PM »
Run and check the plug to see if unburned gas on it.  Just had the same deal and it was a plugged slow jet.
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Offline Brian G

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Re: #2 not firing
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2009, 01:18:06 PM »
To find out if it is a fuel or igition question. Take the airbox off and run the engine.
Spray some starter fluid (like startpilot) or WD40 in carburetor of #2.  If it caches on, its a fuel problem if not it is ignition.

An easier way might be to swap the plug wires between 2 & 3 (the plugs on two and three spark at the same time - waste spark) and see if the problem moves to #3 cylinder.

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Offline milogreen

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Re: #2 not firing
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2009, 06:29:43 PM »
I dunno how it happened but it turned out to be a bad spark plug.

Offline Brian G

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Re: #2 not firing
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2009, 05:36:01 AM »
Another mystery solved  :D

Thanks for the update. Always nice to know when and how a problem is fixed!
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Offline Mdub

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Re: #2 not firing
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2009, 10:16:17 AM »
Another mystery solved  :D

Thanks for the update. Always nice to know when and how a problem is fixed!

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