little trick about grinding wheels, not the fiber embedded ones, but the abrasive wheel. When off the machine, hold it lightly by the hole and gently tap it with a handle, wood or other non metal. If it "rings" the wheel is good, if it sort of "thunks" then it is suspect and should not be used. It is not nice when a 14" wheel flys apart. Never use a wheel that the paper is missing on if you can't replace the paper, it is there to provide that little bit of cushion between the wheel and the collars. With out this paper you will break the wheel at some point.
OK, off my rant. Glad you're still kick'n but you need to get your ass to a Doc if your still having vision problems.
As for flying objects, I seen a 2x8 kick back out of an edger that went 20' and then through a double boarded wall, would have been real nasty if some one had been in its path.