When this gets asked, I would like to point out the actual ingredients (as per
MSDS info) of what's inside of Sea Foam, for anyone interested:
SEA FOAM______________________
Pale Oil - 40.00 - 60.00%
Naphtha - 25.00 - 35.00%
IPA (alcohol) - 10.00 - 20.00%
Personally, I don't see the point in adding even more alcohol to gasoline that nowadays already contains upwards of 10%, in many areas. Maybe if you have a real problem with water getting in your gas, in which the alcohol can bond with it and help 'pull it out' of your gas via burning it off.
I have found Marvel oil to be more cost effective while doing more or less the same as Sea Foam. Also, I find it to be very handy in parts cleaning, wiping dust off of the bike, etc.
MARVEL MYSTERY OIL_______________________
o-Dichlorobenzene - 0-1%*
Stoddard solvent (Mineral Spirits) - 20-30%
Naphtha - 70-80%
"Dichlorobenzene is also used in softening and removing carbon-based contamination on metal surfaces" (from Wikipedia)
From research, I know Marvel also contains "Oil of Wintergreen" (why it smells good) which is an OLD school (like WWI) oil viscosity modifier.