Author Topic: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.  (Read 3107 times)

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 05:06:02 PM »


Funny, I haven't seen any oil rigs around here.... ??? ???
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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 05:34:06 PM »
And you would trust a website that is obviously politically motivated?
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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 05:45:58 PM »
Do a Google search... That was just one of the many that comes up. :/

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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2009, 06:32:47 PM »
Yeah, Sarah Palin was complaining about this recently.  Once again she has opened here mouth before engaging her walnut size brain.

   The money comes from the U.S. Export Import Bank and according to it's spokesman Phil Cogan, it does not rely on taxpayer money. The bank LENDS money to foreign companies/countries so they can purchase American goods and services. The proposed LOAN is to the Brazilian oil company Petrobras.
   In this case, Cogan said, the proposed LOAN would likely finance engineering services, sale of ships to service the platforms, and oil drilling equipment.  He went on to say that this is government doing what it is supposed to do:  Create jobs and make sure Americans get a fair shot at selling goods and services and help American workers compete on a level playing field.  Most developed countries have similar credit-export agencies.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 10:55:12 PM by srust58 »

Offline Freaky1

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2009, 07:56:21 PM »
Yeah, Sarah Palin was complaining about this recently.  Once again she has opened here mouth before engaging her walnut size brain.

   The money comes from the U.S. Export Import Bank and according to it's spokesman Phil Cogan, it does not rely on taxpayer money. The bank LENDS money to foreign companies/countries so they can purchase American goods and services. The proposed LOAN is to the Brazilian oil company Petrobras.
   In this case, Cogan said, the proposed LOAN would likely finance engineering services, sale of ships to service the platforms, and oil drilling equipment.  He went on to say that this is government doing what it is supposed to do:  Create jobs and make sure Americans get a fair shot at selling goods and services and help American workers compete on a level playing field.  Most developed countries have similar credit-export agencies.

So maybe before you get into another hissy fit over something Obama is supposedly doing you should get your facts straight.

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2009, 07:57:02 PM »
Here's what the Wall Street Journal has to say about it:

Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling
Too bad it's not in U.S. waters.

You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil.

The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil's Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil's planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.

The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a "preliminary commitment" letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount. Ex-Im Bank says it has not decided whether the money will come in the form of a direct loan or loan guarantees. Either way, this corporate foreign aid may strike some readers as odd, given that the U.S. Treasury seems desperate for cash and Petrobras is one of the largest corporations in the Americas.

But look on the bright side. If President Obama has embraced offshore drilling in Brazil, why not in the old U.S.A.? The land of the sorta free and the home of the heavily indebted has enormous offshore oil deposits, and last year ahead of the November elections, with gasoline at $4 a gallon, Congress let a ban on offshore drilling expire.

The Bush Administration's five-year plan (2007-2012) to open the outer continental shelf to oil exploration included new lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico. But in 2007 environmentalists went to court to block drilling in Alaska and in April a federal court ruled in their favor. In May, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said his department was unsure whether that ruling applied only to Alaska or all offshore drilling. So it asked an appeals court for clarification. Late last month the court said the earlier decision applied only to Alaska, opening the way for the sale of leases in the Gulf. Mr. Salazar now says the sales will go forward on August 19.

This is progress, however slow. But it still doesn't allow the U.S. to explore in Alaska or along the East and West Coasts, which could be our equivalent of the Tupi oil fields, which are set to make Brazil a leading oil exporter. Americans are right to wonder why Mr. Obama is underwriting in Brazil what he won't allow at home.

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2009, 08:00:02 PM »
Sorry if I struck a nerve, damn. This is the first political thread I've ever participated in on the forum. The original intent wasn't to call the wolves. I simply had a legitimate question; take the acronym literally. Meaning I was wondering what it was all about, not jumping on a soap box. Holy crap.

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2009, 08:05:37 PM »
Still I'd rather have them drill in Brazil and not on our coast and hook us up cheap or we could just keep buying from the same dirtbags we do now. We didn't drill here and we didn't drill now and I'm paying less now, go figure.
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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2009, 08:11:56 PM »
The U.S. Export Bank is a federal agency that is in the executive branch...the branch that Obama has control of. So where does it get its money, if not from the taxpayers?

Also, what kind of insider trading is George Soros guilty of here?

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Quote from: TwoTired
By the way, I'm going for the tinfoil they can't read my private thoughts.

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2009, 12:50:25 AM »
The U.S. Export Bank is a federal agency that is in the executive branch...the branch that Obama has control of. So where does it get its money, if not from the taxpayers?

Also, what kind of insider trading is George Soros guilty of here?

      It is an independent agency of the executive branch and has been since the 1930's.  In some ways it is like a big bank.  It makes money by lending money.  Sometimes it may lose money if it makes bad loans.  While it is not without controversy over the years, to say that it is handing out 2 billion of taxpayers money from the Treasury to Brazil is not accurate.  It makes loan guarantees, insurance guarantees, and outright loans.  Part of the stipulation is that a certain percentage of the money has to be spent on U.S. made goods and services.  Now we could have not made these loans and Britain, France, or some other country would have and then Brazil would be buying their goods and services. So no need to get your panties in a twist because Obama has control, just a George Bush had control when he was POTUS and all the others before him.

If you listen to the right wing nuts it seems George Soros is guilty of just about everything.  He may have even killed Bambi's mom.  It's quite silly really.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 12:53:14 AM by srust58 »

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2009, 03:44:30 AM »
Wow, it is very unusual for left-wing-nuts to defend a multi-billionaire.  That, in itself, should be thought-provoking.

If you listen to the right wing nuts it seems George Soros is guilty of just about everything.  He may have even killed Bambi's mom.  It's quite silly really.
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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2009, 04:02:18 AM »
So Ed, misdirection to cover up not understanding what was said?
Bill the demon.

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2009, 05:05:41 AM »
Interesting. We essentially say to Brazil, "Don't send us your ethanol (to keep our corn farmers happy after they made a mint on the corn boom), but we'll gladly take any oil you send our way."

This country is still run by businesses...
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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2009, 08:33:48 AM »
The U.S. Export Bank is a federal agency that is in the executive branch...the branch that Obama has control of. So where does it get its money, if not from the taxpayers?

Also, what kind of insider trading is George Soros guilty of here?

      It is an independent agency of the executive branch and has been since the 1930's.  In some ways it is like a big bank.  It makes money by lending money.  Sometimes it may lose money if it makes bad loans.  While it is not without controversy over the years, to say that it is handing out 2 billion of taxpayers money from the Treasury to Brazil is not accurate.  It makes loan guarantees, insurance guarantees, and outright loans.  Part of the stipulation is that a certain percentage of the money has to be spent on U.S. made goods and services.  Now we could have not made these loans and Britain, France, or some other country would have and then Brazil would be buying their goods and services. So no need to get your panties in a twist because Obama has control, just a George Bush had control when he was POTUS and all the others before him.

If you listen to the right wing nuts it seems George Soros is guilty of just about everything.  He may have even killed Bambi's mom.  It's quite silly really.

Difference being, if GWB were doing this right now you'd be chastising him for bending to the "oil cartels' will" and accusing him of laying in bed with "big oil."

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Quote from: TwoTired
By the way, I'm going for the tinfoil they can't read my private thoughts.

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2009, 08:47:53 AM »
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!Stop with the politics,please.
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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2009, 08:58:18 AM »
^^^ lol.

I'd be interested to see how many countries actually pay pack the money with intrest.
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2009, 08:59:24 AM »
Wow, it is very unusual for left-wing-nuts to defend a multi-billionaire.  That, in itself, should be thought-provoking.

If you listen to the right wing nuts it seems George Soros is guilty of just about everything.  He may have even killed Bambi's mom.  It's quite silly really.

Not so much defending him as saying all the crazy conspiracy stuff you and yours accuse him of is really quite silly.

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2009, 09:24:41 AM »
The U.S. Export Bank is a federal agency that is in the executive branch...the branch that Obama has control of. So where does it get its money, if not from the taxpayers?

Also, what kind of insider trading is George Soros guilty of here?

      It is an independent agency of the executive branch and has been since the 1930's.  In some ways it is like a big bank.  It makes money by lending money.  Sometimes it may lose money if it makes bad loans.  While it is not without controversy over the years, to say that it is handing out 2 billion of taxpayers money from the Treasury to Brazil is not accurate.  It makes loan guarantees, insurance guarantees, and outright loans.  Part of the stipulation is that a certain percentage of the money has to be spent on U.S. made goods and services.  Now we could have not made these loans and Britain, France, or some other country would have and then Brazil would be buying their goods and services. So no need to get your panties in a twist because Obama has control, just a George Bush had control when he was POTUS and all the others before him.

If you listen to the right wing nuts it seems George Soros is guilty of just about everything.  He may have even killed Bambi's mom.  It's quite silly really.

Difference being, if GWB were doing this right now you'd be chastising him for bending to the "oil cartels' will" and accusing him of laying in bed with "big oil."

No, more like the drug cartels.  There is some controversy over 250 million in fraudulent loans made to Mexico/Mexican companies in 2007 under the Bush Administration that may have gone into the pockets of the drug cartels.   But the point is as I said before this agency has been controversial to some from day one and you could find examples under any administration to pick a part and complain about.  An agency that has provided over 450 billion in loans and guarantees over the course of it's life is bound to have examples of waste and fraud.

So the question I ask is why as with so many other things that the conservative/republican party now complains about are these things only a problem now that Obama is POTUS?  Could it be because he is a ........well I have my own idea about this one.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 02:11:17 PM by srust58 »

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2009, 10:26:23 AM »
Isn't Brazil like almost %100 self suppling with ethanol now? ( Yea I get the oils not for them, but kinda coll though!) & we should drill here. F it. Alaska, parks, off shore. Its one big planet, if its ok to drill everywhere else why not here? It cracks me up that its ok to screw up everywhere else for oil, but not here. U.S. rigs on U.S. soil & waters. Oh wait, that wouldnt work. The fatasses might have to pay the workers more than bare minimum! And I think Soros is way left?
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Offline Freaky1

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2009, 11:22:32 AM »
While were at it, why not just pave over everything, let all companies enforce ethics and pollution rules, no taxes and therefore no government programs of any kind (hello farmers). Put it all up for sale and every man for himself, the one with the most wins and to hell with my neighbor because all he wants is a handout.

Don't care where they put a drilling rig? Go check out the western slope of Colorado, rigs everywhere, right in peoples backyard, literally. Oh and when the bottom drops out, like it did, they don't put it all back and it DOES look like someone has been there.
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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2009, 11:34:45 AM »
While were at it, why not just pave over everything, let all companies enforce ethics and pollution rules, no taxes and therefore no government programs of any kind (hello farmers). Put it all up for sale and every man for himself, the one with the most wins and to hell with my neighbor because all he wants is a handout.

Don't care where they put a drilling rig? Go check out the western slope of Colorado, rigs everywhere, right in peoples backyard, literally. Oh and when the bottom drops out, like it did, they don't put it all back and it DOES look like someone has been there.

I looked at your post for a sec and could have sworn you were BobbyR.... lol. The girl threw me off.

I've seen some rigs hidden in LA. Nice places to hide them thats for sure. If I got paid for it I'd let one in my back yard. Tell the neighbors I was trying to steal from them and that was the best way to distract them from what was "really" going on. lol.

I'm full of hot air.
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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2009, 11:40:18 AM »
The proposed LOAN is to the Brazilian oil company Petrobras.

Awesome. I'm on my way to inspect hydrogen recycle compressor control panels for Petrobras now.

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2009, 09:32:23 AM »
and nobody cares that george soros is HEAVILY invested in Petrobas...gee sorta Haliburton-esque....ahhhh but we play by different rules now, it must all be good
Chris...closet Idlefiddler

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Re: Obama gives $2 BILLION to Brazil for off-shore drilling.
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2009, 10:04:09 AM »
and nobody cares that george soros is HEAVILY invested in Petrobas...gee sorta Haliburton-esque....ahhhh but we play by different rules now, it must all be good

Hence my "insider trading" comment above...

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Quote from: TwoTired
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