Well, this is where I'm not sure about the VIN. The frame number is 25xxxxxxx + and the engine number is 24167XX. Also the title is matching the engine number. Does this sound right?
engine # for '75 750 k5 starts at CB750E-2500001
frame# starts at CB750-2500001. Engine and frame numbers often vary by a few hundred or so.
Generally, only the frame number is on the title. Engine and frame numbers seldom (never) match.
Bikes are often titled in a year later than the build year on the frame, if the build months are late like Nov and Dec.
As the model progressed the frame and engine numbers became very far apart. For the K5 model (mostly 1975) the frame numbers start at 2500001 and end 2540000. The engine numbers start 2372115 and end 2428761, per my official Honda Motorcycle Identification Guide copyright American Honda Motor Co 1998.