Guess I never got around to saying Hi when I found this forum a couple of months ago.
I must request special dispensation for membership since my ride is not exactly a purebred SOHC4 or exactly a Honda for that matter.
A casual glance at my bike might lead one to believe it is a Yamaha XJ550 Maxim but that is not exactly accurate either.
You see these particular bikes are not known for having a really effective front braking system. When I bought this bike the crud was thick enough that I didn't notice that someone had "upgraded" it with the front wheel, forks, and braking system from a Honda 750 thus creating the only Yamahonda in town. (OK, it's a small town)
I've found that the folks over at have tolerated my presence without too much anguish and hope to find the same welcoming spirit here even though I won't have a lot to contribute in the way of technical expertise (unless you need help getting stopped).
Besides, I found your Humor section a lot more extensive than theirs. I like that!