While no one can disagree with the weakest link statement, there is also the popular chrome don't get you home. I'm on a very limited budget and chose to spend the bucks on powdercoating the frame, enclosed neck bearings, swing arm bearings (I think you can see where I'm going). The paint can wait, my shop is still under construction (my dad is 72 and his is still growing, does it ever stop?

the compressors and various air tools will come, but for now 2 cans of primer, 5 cans of color, and 3 cans of 2K made my bike look better than I ever thought. Ask my kids, I'm a firm believer in do it right the first time but sometimes it's do it right the best you can.
The first shot was outside, can't really get the color but that is my neighbors tree in the next yard, kinda shows the gloss.
The second gives a better idea of the color.
It will all be repainted someday but for now, I think it looks pretty good, everyones advice is wonderful. I always appreciate the ones who know sharing with those of us who don't, as long as it's constructive.
I shot 3 light coats of primer, sanded with 1500, 3 light coats of paint, again with 1500, 2 more coats of color, 1500 again, then two coats of clear, 1500, one final coat of clear. It is a bit orange peely but that will rub out, done with the front fender and it looks nice. If I can manage to get a decent pic of it, I'll post it.