Author Topic: When is a score not a score  (Read 917 times)

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When is a score not a score
« on: November 30, 2005, 09:14:43 PM »
In recent weeks I have had the displeasure of learning the hard way what is and is not a score. With the cops at my door now for the second time since this whole fiasco started and a nasty letter from the local building inspector about removing the motorcycles. So I have been moving motorcycles to the point of it being disruptive to just about everything. When you spend and entire day moving motorcycles, not even free ones look like a good deal at this point.

I am not going to tell you when not to nail a score based on some opinion. Rather I will share with you some of the dumb stuff that has happened over time. The attitude that I never turn down a cheap motorcycle has gotten me into trouble a bit.

1. I have had to back a small trailer down a path 100 yards between the pines down an established path. It was snowing at an incredible rate and the drifting was making white out conditions. This later had to be done in the dark also.

2. Use 4 30 foot tow ropes linked together and then the 30 feet from the winch to reach into a farmers lot to hook onto a bike that could not be pushed or driven too, BY MYSELF.

3. Open another rental agreement because I had too many bikes which makes the monthly storage now $100 a month. This had to be done to get the city off my back.

4. Use a square point shovel as a lever on the foot peg to push a bike 1 inch at a time to get it in the driveway.
5. Squirt penatrating lube on brake pads and rotors just to get stubborn mover going
6. Run a bike on a vaccum tube and a propane bottle.
7. Spend two hours fighting with a bike (3 cheesy ratchet straps) to get it on the trailer in the rain, but not before dropping it twice. Once on the trailer it was pitch dark in a remote field. The owner had pulled out just fine so I tried to follow the path they took. I turned too soon and ended up trapped on a firepit with no way off. To add to this I have my cell phone, my daughter (at night school) had her cell phone, and no home phone. The to realize there is no one in your contacts list that can pull off a rescue. When my daughter finally gets ahold of my wife it is almost two hours before she arrives. Meanwhile it begins to rain harder, making matters worse.
8. Load bikes repeatedly in foul weather with little break and no help. Even with a tilt trailer a 750 is about the top of what one man can push up the trailer.
9. Break two fingers when they become trapped in a set of Renthal race bars as the bike slips away from you whne you are loading it.

Any of the veteran bike haulers want to add a few?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2005, 08:56:10 AM by ElCheapo »


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Re: When is a score not a score
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2005, 03:46:46 AM »
Any of the veteran bike haulers want to add a few?

Free ain't always a bargain.

City tends to know who the #$%*y neighbors are and doesn't like them any more than you do. The only thing they like less is encountering an attitude while doing their jobs.
I have had very good results by asking the inspectors what I could do to make their lives easier...Not saying you didn't approach this way, just giving advice for anyone who runs into problems with inspectors. Also, around here it's pretty easy to get an extension WRT compliance issues, if there is no other way around things. A friendly inspector, and it's up t o the property owner to make the friend, will be happy to share info on loopholes and tricks for getting around 'problems'.

Anyone interested in a good running under 8k original miles GS1000GT in Atlanta. Needs some elbow grease and a touch pf paint and turn signal repair. $900 cash,firm. Bill of sale, no title.  Good tires, like new brakes, rebuilt carbs, almost new brakes, windjammer fairing, excellent saddle, no dents, all there. I need the space for another GPz1100.

« Last Edit: December 01, 2005, 03:48:47 AM by Duck »