G'day all,
Yep that’s right I’m building me a little 4 cylinder adventure bike.
I am organising a fundraiser for the Down Syndrome Association of NSW (AUSTRALIA) called:
Scrapheap Adventure Ride 2010
Riding to a place called Wanaaring NSW 200k's west of Bourke.
Link: <http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=wanaaring+NSW&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=56.486015,78.486328&ie=UTF8&ll=-30.42973,148.359375&spn=13.904131,19.621582&t=h&z=6>
Have to buy a Bike for less than $500.00.
Can be any road registered motorcycle.
You are allowed to spend additional sums on the bike to make it run and roadworthy, all machines participating must be registered.
Above is the donor bike.
A mate, Shane, give me this little beauty for $0.00. Thanks Buddy
I want to splice on a XR4/5/600 front end, wheel and swing arm rear wheel.
Still wondering what fuel tank, seat and guards to run. Need to build it as cheap as possible. I will not be butchering this bike as will be able to return it to CB400Four at the end if I wanted too.
When I first looked at it, it is very small. And quite light.
I havent even started to look at gearing ect. I have to pull the carbies out and overhaul. the motor has good compression with the kick starter. I will do a full comp test and post results when I get them.
I will keep posting as I progress.