I bought a Power Arc ignition system and have been hanging back waiting to learn what others have done and try not to ask too many stupid questions. But figure I better jump in and start asking, so bear with me please.
Mounting: I started out with mounting it the way you have it now, with the plug to the back. Made a small alum. plate for it to rest on and seems to have plenty of room under and around the sides of the tank. Seems to be fine but I don't have plug wires on the coils yet.
Spark plug Wires: Well, maybe I am looking too hard or not hard enough, but all I am finding at local auto parts stores are "Spiral core" wires. Looked on eBay for Carbon core wires and only can find them in blue. Call me anal, but I want black ones. Please send some info on what wires you have found, what they originally came on and any other info you can.
Wiring: I think I have this figured out, but please let me know if what I am thinking is correct. There are 3 wires off the ignition coil plug, black, white and red. Simply "T" the factory kill switch wire (black with white stripe) into the red power arc wire (assume this powers the PA ignition).
Connect the 3 wires from the Encoder rotor to the 3 wires from he ignition plug, color for color. (seems easy enough)??
The "optional" blue and brown wires that you originally just taped off appear to actually need be grounded, or at least one of them or you run in a retard state. I am thinking I will need to ground at least one of them. I don't want to go too aggressive right off the start and cause problems. What did you ground them to? Did you simply run a wire from one of those blue or brown wires to the frame, or tie it into another wire? If I want to only run one spark curve for now and not switch between them, what is the simplest way?
It seems that you can simply bypass the original factory wires and just run the PA wire from the Encoder wire to the PA ignition plug..correct me if I'm wrong?
Well those are what I can think of at this point, thank you for you responses.