After a series of unfortunate events, I need to replace my headlight and bucket. Most of the replacement headlights I've found include an "upgrade" to a H4 Halogen lamp. I'm interested in the brighter headlight, but I'm not interested in spending the big bucks to go to an H.I.D. light.
Regardless, I want to install the Battery-to-Relay-to-Headlight wiring modification. I've found a wiring digram here:, I am a clueless idiot about this stuff. I mean, clueless. But I'm willing to experiment and learn, with the help of the wonderful SOHC4 forums. I
think I understand the basic idea of how to wire this up, but I'm not sure on the actual process. For instance, what do I do for connections of the wire to the terminals on the relay? What guage of wire should I get? What relay should I look for? So I've put together a basic shopping list:
- Relay 1 - what type?
- Relay 2 - what type?
- Headlight (55/65 H4 Halogen)
- 20A fuse
- fuse housing (do they make these "in-line"?)
- ?? ga wire (red) from Battery Positive Terminal to fuse
- ?? ga wire (red) from fuse to Relay 1, Terminal 30
- ?? ga wire (red) from Relay 1, Term 30 to Relay 2, Term 30
- ?? ga wire (yellow) from Relay 1, Term 87 to Headlight High Beam
- Existing wire from High Beam control switch to Relay 1, Term 85 (right?)
- ?? ga wire (blue) from Relay 2, Term 87 to Headlight Low Beam
- Existing wire from Low Beam control switch to Relay 2, Term 85 (right?)
- ?? ga wire (black/ground) from Relay 2, Term 86 to Relay 1, Term 86
- ?? ga wire (black/ground) from Relay 1, Term 86 to Headlight Ground
- ?? ga wire (black/ground) from Headlight Ground to Battery Negative Terminal
- 2 wire connections to battery terminals (soldering?)
- 8 single wire connections to relay/headlight terminals (soldering?)
- 3 double wire connections to relay/headlight terminals (soldering?)
Please, please, please forgive my stupidity.