I didn't do Sturgis in the 80's. A lot of those guys are still going. Nowadays more gray hairs, more pasties and no nips allowed on the street, no fights, no shootings, no open drug use, not much gang colors around. However, the campgrounds are a different story

But it's still clean fun.

As far as T&A, there were 3 of us taking pictures but this is a family oriented website. You guys only get some teasers. They'll have to see for themselves
Some of the stats:
Estimated 394,000 (no telling how they come up with that) down slightly from last year
5 deaths in bike accidents with none in the immediate counties for the first time since 1991. 3 before they even arrived.
Tax revenue up 12%
Injury accidents 72 up 12
DUI 316 up from 253
Non felony drug arrests 153 down from 191
Citations 1803 up from 1619
Beer sales up considerably due to tres amigos