Well, if you avatar is the bike in question, I note it is painted like a 76 model.
No matter. There is little differnce between the years. But, if you have light grean gauge faces, its a 76.
Points can oxidize to the point of not working anymore, just from sitting.
Also check that the points cover gasket is sealing out water splashing up from the front tire, road etc. Water in there wreaks havoc with point operation.
Why don't you look in at the points? See if they are pitted. Get yourself some emery paper to clear off any oxidation. If there are a bunch of craters and peaks in the contact surfaces the contact surfaces must be recontoured and shaped into smooth crowns. IF the points pit rapidly, then new condensers are indicated.
However, when these bikes sit, the carbs can also get gummy and it takes a while of running to get them clear and flowing properly again. They run rough for a while whiole this takes lace/
You might also check your fuel tank for rust. It only takes a piece if crud .016 inch big to stop up the slow jets in the carb. It idles proorly if at all when this happens.
More info is needed.