Well it worked pretty well I must say. I found some Miller M5 .035" welding tips on ebay for $14 shipped(which was way over priced but couldn't find them locally). Got some 5/16th O.D. 3/16th I.D. hose and a couple T fittings for under $10.

When I first hooked it up I had 2 cylinders pulling the auto trans fluid right up the lines toward the intake and it took me quite a few attempts to get those under control. I suppose I should have made this thing taller so I'd have more time to react when one or two get outa whack like that.
My next problem was trying to tighten down the lock nuts without completely changing my settings. Even though the adjuster screw weren't moving at all, just the tightening of the nut itself would send things out balance. The slightest pressure from the wrench and I had fluid climbing the tubes all over the place.
Any suggestions on that for next time?

Here's a terrible video from my phone...
[youtube=425,350]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="
name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
I was finally able to get things tight and still in balance at least as close as it was going to get...the video was before I tightened everything down...things are a little further off than that now that everything is tight.
I had the idle all the way down to 800rpm and it was still smooth...very impressive, then I put it up to 1100 give or take 50 and it was quieter than it's ever been.
So now after having the bike since June I've replaced the plugs, adjusted the tappets, cleaned the carbs(and installed correct jets), adjusted cam chain, sync'd carbs, set points gap, and set timing(not in that order).
Now I know why you guys love these bikes so much. If you treat them right and follow proper routine maintenance procedures they're pretty much bullet proof.
Thanks to all of you for giving me the information and confidence to tackle some of this stuff as I'm a newb when it comes to bike maintenance...much more comfortable and competent with automobiles...but that's going to be changing now...