goddamn it. so, in and amongst all the few little things I've been doing with my bike, just hoping I could have it ready for a ride or two this season, I've had this feeling. The feeling was like the one you get when you climb to the top of a bookshelf to get that thing way up there, and on your way down, it starts creaking, then you hurry and it creaks louder, and only when you hop off from 5 feet up does the creaking stop... and the bookshelf literally implodes. Well, that's me and my bike right now. I need it would need a a top rebuild but was hoping it could wait until snow flies. Well, in the midst of replacing some wiring connectors throughout the bike, I got to where I needed to pull the stator cover and gearshift/tranny cover off to check those connectors. Well, no sooner did I get the screws out and break the seal of time on those bits to see not just some oil ooze out, but our wonderful friend, water. @#$%^. I threw in the towel after a few days of deliberating (I know, should have happened sooner) whether or not it could wait. I decided it can't.
I can't start this rebuild right now, but I can slowly get the bits together that I need...
-Full gasket set (in an online shopping basket, waiting to get paid for)
-RTV sealant (local source)
-cam chain tensioner replacement bits (?)
-possibly stainless steel hardware (various sources online)
So any tips from anyone for this fun adventure? I've been perusing the dozens and dozens of posts about people who have done a full up, and I'm not worried about the halves leaking as long as I take my time and pay attention, but are there any really important things to remember?
-Chris with a sad face