Can someone talk me out of or in-to using carb cleaner instead of electrical contact cleaner to clean the contacts in a stereo amplifier? It all smells like solvents, right?
All solvents are the same just like all vehicles are the same.

...And, if it looks and smells like water it must be safe to drink.
Are you a fan of natural selection?
Did you know that water is described as the "universal solvent", as most every solvent action is compared to it, and it was likely the first one in to be used by mankind as a solvent.
Carb cleaner won't hurt the metal parts inside the stereo. But, you might want to inventory the bits inside the stereo that aren't metal, many of which were formed using solvents.
So, if you wish to re-form all those parts that aren't metal, carb cleaner is perfect!
If you want to clean electrical components, use a solvent that is safe for the plastics used within them.
BTW, WD-40 is NOT safe for all plastics used in the electronic/electrical industry. Some, yes. All, no.
If your parts are expendable, you could try WD-40 anyway. But, I won't, based on past experiments gone awry. IMO