Well, since I got the GPZ, I thought I needed to see if there was a place for that one and there is! I was already a member at Kawasaki Triples World Wide where they welcomed the GPZ and I found our about kzriders.com and then about GPZ1100ownersgroup. Well, I asked around, at the owners group, about opinions about getting one of those smoked windscreens at Dennis Kirk. Well, after I got suggestions about where to get them a little cheaper, one of the members said that he had a MINT one that he had taken off of his 84' GPZ, to put a clear on on it because he was going straight stock with his. Said that I could have it for $15 plus shipping (like $30 shipped) Pretty cool stuff, i thought!
Said he'd shoot some pictures of it, if I wanted. Mine is craked around some of the bolt holes and is starting to crack some more. Gotta have that sucker looking GOOD, don't I?
Pretty nice bunch over there and on the kzriders also. I've been welcomed real nicely. Of course NOTHING'S gonna replace the ol' SOHC4 !