Well it's 53 deg F as I type this at 11.20 am here in Melbourne, Australia. Today is the first day of Spring, so I'm hoping it warms up pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't deterred me, I've ridden over 3000 miles this winter including a ride to Sydney and back on my BMW K1100LT, and of course my recent trip back from Whyalla in South Australia with my new Triumph Rocket 3.
On Sunday I did a 300 mile ride with a motorcycle club, I've just fitted a louder pipe to the Rocket so I took it for a quick 60 mile ride in the rain on Saturday to test it, I wanted to test out some new el-cheapo wet weather pants I bought a while back too, they were great but the only problem I had was that my expensive leather gloves which are supposed to be waterproof (lined with goretex) aren't, so I wore some cheapy EBay gloves on Sunday, and my hands were toasty warm all day.
In fact, in one way I prefer riding in cold weather, in that I can "rug up" with all the protective gear and not die of dehydration, as I would in summer. Sad to say, even though I ride just about every day in summer, I rarely wear anything more than my open face helmet, sunglasses, brando jacket and jeans and boots in summer, it's just too friggin' hot for any more than that. I've got a mate who won't ride long distances in summer, so we only plan our weekend rides for the cooler months. Of course, he's a big fat priick, so that's probably got something to do with it...........
I know that for a lot of you guys, 53 degrees is very pleasant indeed, but here in Oz, it's damn near arctic! Cheers, Terry.