yep nirvana dont apply,but i couldnt think of the word "paradise" at the time.
HOW about this.
Fairness should dictate that tolerance is a two way street, so will anybody advise me to go to bagdad and found a christian school, build a church for christians,and then build a lapdancing club?
only, i would imagine if you wanted me to be done away with.
by the same token, you do not go into a protestant church knowingly, and then moan that there is no confession box ,or statues of the virgin mary, or other catholic iconography....
it aint peoples personal religeon thats caused problems down the ages, its the governors of those religeons......
I mean, lets go to the holy lands and take the holy city of jerusalem by force and then try and hold onto it because the Pope says so???
Bound to cause repercussions in the future, and here is that future.....?