Here goes:
with the ring peeled back all the way around, it can be pushed down off its perch
The housing comes off easily. There is a rubber seal between the black housing and the metal base, but it did not seem to have any sealer on it and offered no resistance, it stays with the housing and if you don't disturb it it should stay put. To get the needle off, I'd read, use a dinner fork, get the tangs under the needle and the heel of the fork can rest on the top of one of the screws that holds the face on. An easy pry and the needle lifts off.
Not much to it really. I had to supplement the paint can opener with increasing thicknesses of screwdrivers. I think a shim behind the paint can opener would work well, but hard to hold. Took me about an hour to pry the ring off, but i was being super cautious. You have to pry a little past the point where you want to be, then the metal relaxes back to where you want to be. And you can't do it all in the first pass. From what I've read its a 15 min job. I'm going to practice on a few more and hone my technique.
Cutting the ring is certainly faster, and JB Welding it back. The rubber mounting ring hides many sins. Ultimately I'll be doing it on a virgin NOS tachometer and if i can master the prying technique i really don't want to take a cutting wheel to that instrument.
To replace the ring, use a duck bill needle nose, or other broadbill pliar. Pad the jaws, especially on the side of the ring that shows. Use a rolling movement of squeezing and prying to close the ring up again.