You've been watching too much TV, Ernie.
Wild, passionate arguments? Where? I haven't had or even heard about one single argument about that speech. I read the text beforehand and said, "no harm here", and I didn't have a problem with my kids watching it. It is a waste of time for Obama to tell my kids how important school is, since MY KIDS ALREADY KNOW, but maybe there are some out there who will benefit from hearing it FROM OBAMA. Those people NEED that speech, so it is a good thing.
Who cares if China is "ahead of the US" in solar-electric and wind production? How does that matter to any average American? First of all, how do we know that is even true? Who went out there and measured it, and what is their bias? What is their motive for publishing such numbers? How do the Chinese stack up on a per capita basis? How much more oil and coal are the Chinese burning than the United States? Are the Chinese ahead of us in nuclear power? Are they ahead of us in technology? Are they ahead of us in curing cancer? How about the sweat shops, human trafficking, and child labor? THE CHINESE HAVE GOT US BEAT THERE. Why not focus on things that make a difference?
No, despite all the fear-mongering that goes on here in the media, the world as we know it isn't coming to an end anytime soon.
The sun will come out tomorrow.
I remember back in the 1970's those stupid apocalyptic movies like "The Late, Great Planet Earth" trying to scare everyone into some crazy different direction because of the impending nuclear war due to the "arms race". In 1989 the question was, "what arms race"? Does anyone else remember the term "nuclear winter" being thrown about when they were in school? Damn, that's a helluva lot worse than "global warming", isn't it?
The people love a good crisis, mythical or real. Note these quotes:
"Rule 1: Never allow a crisis to go to waste," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the New York Times right after the election. "They are opportunities to do big things." Over the weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told members of the European Parliament, "Never waste a good crisis." Then President Obama explained in his Saturday radio and Internet address that there is "great opportunity in the midst of" the "great crisis" befalling America.,1,1162545.column
Also, many of us remember how Ronald Reagan benefitted from the oil crisis of the late 1970's, the Iran/Iraq war, and the Soviet Union crises, as well as how George H. W. Bush's popularity was through the roof after Iraq I, and George W. Bush's popularity skyrocketed after 9/11/2001.
Looking at the news tonight, and thinking about history. Several highly evolved and developed civilizations have come and gone. Now we have wild, passionate arguments against the President of the United States speaking to school kids about doing well in school. Fears of indoctrinating kids to- well, I'm not sure what they would be indoctrinated to. Studying?
So I'm watching news about the war in Afganistan, and how China is now ahead of the USA in photo electric and wind energy production, and the knee jerk political crap, and I'm thinking
Are we becoming warring tribes?
Is this country on it's way to becoming incapable of doing anything? Is it going to get worse? Am I nuts?