Hey ed, obama lies as much as YOU do.
tomkim, I think the crack pipe needs to be put down. when is it lying to say, no public option then after more talks, to decide it should be there? What, people cant change their minds? Or is that people YOU dont like cant change their minds.
I can with out a DOUBT say I am certainly no worse off under Obama than I was under Bush.
Also, if you bothered to check out something besides (what I suspect) faux news, you would know that yes there are still foreclosures going on, JUST AS THERE WERE UNDER BUSH, but the home market has started to slowly climb again.
The rate of job loss is decreasing.
Oh I get it, people like you think that for obama to be doing it right, everyone should have their jobs back overnight, even though that has never happened with a republican in office.
Do you think, just once, that you could put away the political crap and stop flying solely on party lines like ed?
I bet if mccain had gotten in and done the EXACT same thing, you would not be up in arms. Oh yes, you will deny it, like ed would, but I think at this time, the rest of us would see through the smoke.