Author Topic: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?  (Read 18851 times)

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Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #100 on: September 11, 2009, 02:51:51 PM »
It was easy, vim has an email address ending with cord@edu, meaning he is connected to Cord University. If he held 3 jobs, there is no way any professor would hold 3 jobs, it's just not in their blood.

Now I too have known many a High School Teacher who held 2-3 jobs, many times their pay rate forces them to.

Thanks to your folks, I'm sure they are great people.


Offline Ecosse

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #101 on: September 11, 2009, 02:57:53 PM »
You guys are f*&^%ng nuts.The last eight years have destroyed any credibility this country had.I agree that MOST politicians are professional liars,but tell me,What the hell is wrong with giving everyone healthcare?The fact that we are all screaming at each other about it is disgusting.My whole young adult life was screwed because I coudnt pay for health care,no money = bad credit.Gee,lets see,our last so-called president took a multi billion dollar surplus and gave to the Iraq war,now China practically owns the US ,because they keep lending us"credit".So,as wall st. gets richer and richer,and the good hard working people of this country gets screwed,lets just keep fighting amongst ourselves,because you know what,That is EXACTLY what big pharma and big HMO's want us to do.These yahoos have no class,Yes I am talking about the morons in the Town hall meetings who just shout but have nothing constructive to offer,all they do is repeat the LIES  they heard on some wacko right wing talkshow.(which all have been false)What I dont understand is these gap toothed yokel bible thumpers have more to lose than gain if their politicians/spokespeople got their way.

huh, speaking of nothing constructive to offer. seems to me you're adding to the fighting you're complaining about... deriding religious people is so cliche too.

and i suggest watching the clip i posted revealing bo's reneging on a major campaign promise and stabbing us in the back; so it's not just "right wing wackos" giving us the high hard one.

maybe paying more attention to what the town hall protesters (remember, way back when it was ok to protest the government?) are saying and not what cnn and msnbc are saying the town hall protesters are saying. i'm one of them.

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Offline Ecosse

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #102 on: September 11, 2009, 02:58:55 PM »
I thought the same thing, almost every teacher I know works a second job

my sis is one of them.
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Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #103 on: September 11, 2009, 02:59:46 PM »
No you see tom, it means that you are capable of holding tools, take that where you will...
I also said I was NOT a professor, why do you keep saying I am not? Are you too stupid to realize that there are more than just professors at a college. I mean IF your were actually an engineer, you would know this but since you do not, well i have my doubts about your claims.

Also, I do not know if there is a cord university. That is just our domain name for email, not the whole college name.

As for my degree, no I did not go to the university of phoenix like you! Is this all you got little man? Pfft, i have seen more from a 3 year old. Put your kid on, he might at least have something.

Offline Cvillechopper

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #104 on: September 11, 2009, 03:09:03 PM »
This would almost be amusing if it wasn't so sad.  Gentlemen, the name-calling only serves to make your case completely useless.  Anyone who may have been swayed by your point has long-ago dismissed anything you have to say as the rantings of a lunatic.  Points are not made by calling names.  At least not to those that are actually interested in arriving at a better understanding of the truth.  Lack of ability to change one's ideas upon presentation of contradicting evidence is ignorance.  Not even allowing the possibility that someone else knows more than you or has a better understanding of a subject shows very low intellectual grasp of the quest for truth.  Please just stop talking and listen for a change.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.  Aristotle


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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #105 on: September 11, 2009, 03:13:58 PM »
What was the question? I use 20-50


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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #106 on: September 11, 2009, 03:14:58 PM »
but I no longer us a in line filter

Offline bikerbart

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #107 on: September 11, 2009, 03:16:22 PM »
How can you listen when everybody is yelling.
its better to regret something you have done,than something you havent.Except playing with explosives.

Offline cleveland

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #108 on: September 11, 2009, 03:16:49 PM »
but I no longer us a in line filter

 :o That's a carb rebuild waiting to happen.   ;)


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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #109 on: September 11, 2009, 03:18:28 PM »
 Nope, I did like TT told me and I went to honda and paid $34.50 for the in tank filter system

but I no longer us a in line filter

 :o That's a carb rebuild waiting to happen.   ;)

Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #110 on: September 11, 2009, 03:19:09 PM »
Oooh, are the walls tumbing down around you?

You still have not answered my question: If Obamas gang wants all of us to have the same health care coverage, how come they are not offering the same plan (at the same cost) as congress gets?

Holding tools is not a bad thing, being a tool and being used by others is not.

Your friend, Tom

No you see tom, it means that you are capable of holding tools, take that where you will...
I also said I was NOT a professor, why do you keep saying I am not? Are you too stupid to realize that there are more than just professors at a college. I mean IF your were actually an engineer, you would know this but since you do not, well i have my doubts about your claims.

Also, I do not know if there is a cord university. That is just our domain name for email, not the whole college name.

As for my degree, no I did not go to the university of phoenix like you! Is this all you got little man? Pfft, i have seen more from a 3 year old. Put your kid on, he might at least have something.

Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #111 on: September 11, 2009, 03:23:40 PM »
Hey, I'm just trying to increase my posting stats.   :D


This would almost be amusing if it wasn't so sad.  Gentlemen, the name-calling only serves to make your case completely useless.  Anyone who may have been swayed by your point has long-ago dismissed anything you have to say as the rantings of a lunatic.  Points are not made by calling names.  At least not to those that are actually interested in arriving at a better understanding of the truth.  Lack of ability to change one's ideas upon presentation of contradicting evidence is ignorance.  Not even allowing the possibility that someone else knows more than you or has a better understanding of a subject shows very low intellectual grasp of the quest for truth.  Please just stop talking and listen for a change.

Offline mlinder

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #112 on: September 11, 2009, 03:27:04 PM »
Deriding one wing of our laughable media (I refuse to use the word 'news' for any of it) while ignoring the absurd duplicitousness and bias of the other is, well, sad.
You believe Fox while dismissing CBS, or vise versa.
People will always choose to agree with whatever they already believe when they refuse to look at anything objectively, and base their decisions on what they 'feel' should be.
I suggest all of you get rid of your Cable television and stop getting newspapers altogether.
Get only the news it takes effort to find, and stop letting these #$%*s shove their ideologies down your goddamned throats.
Man (and woman) up, people.

Offline Ecosse

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #113 on: September 11, 2009, 03:56:04 PM »
Deriding one wing of our laughable media (I refuse to use the word 'news' for any of it) while ignoring the absurd duplicitousness and bias of the other is, well, sad.
You believe Fox while dismissing CBS, or vise versa.
People will always choose to agree with whatever they already believe when they refuse to look at anything objectively, and base their decisions on what they 'feel' should be.
I suggest all of you get rid of your Cable television and stop getting newspapers altogether.
Get only the news it takes effort to find, and stop letting these #$%*s shove their ideologies down your goddamned throats.
Man (and woman) up, people.

listen to mlinder folks... he's 2000 years old.  ;D

i agree largely with your point but even without cable, talk radio, etc... any info taken in will be filtered through an ideology. we all carry one but some are absolutely driven by it.

i'm aware of mine and make an effort to re-evaluate my positions when a coherent point is made (minus tired insults and political parroting- good point cchopper, bbart) but i just wish more of my leftist friends (i do have them!) would be so willing.

however, i am  seeing more progressives waking up to the czar-in-chief every day. just yeaterday a huge lefty neighbor who supported impeaching gw bush said of obama, "i think we've been duped."

i want to believe bo's sincere about those things (i agree with) mentioned in his speech but so much of what i've seen, read, and heard from him is... i'm sorry, a flat lie. and in the least contrary to the core principals of this country.

if you want to dismiss that as i being a right wing whacko repeating rush, beck, fox, etc... all i can say is that attitude does nothing but allow one to not have to think outside their comfort zone.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 03:57:52 PM by Ecosse »
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Offline cleveland

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #114 on: September 11, 2009, 04:07:27 PM »
Nope, I did like TT told me and I went to honda and paid $34.50 for the in tank filter system

but I no longer us a in line filter

 :o That's a carb rebuild waiting to happen.   ;)

Got a link?

Offline RatBikeRandy

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #115 on: September 11, 2009, 04:12:39 PM »
While I don't agree with his timing or place, the guy had just HAD IT with the untruths.  The reality is that the plan won't cover PRESENT illegal aliens because at the time they are covered, they won't be ILLEGAL anymore.  This is really splitting hairs.

The current ILLEGAL aliens, that will be covered, will be LEGAL by the time the plan kicks in due to other Obama/Democrat/Liberal/Vote buying policies.

Please take the time to at least try to understand the issue.

Offline HavocTurbo

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #116 on: September 11, 2009, 04:13:25 PM »
I'm posting right now to mark thins in my updated posts list...

But wait til I get home. Boy are you all in trouble.  :D
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Offline DammitDan

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #117 on: September 11, 2009, 04:18:23 PM »
Why the hell did I start this thread...  Stupid moments of weakness...

What was it Oppenheimer said?

"Now I am become death, shatterer of online motorcycle forums."   ;D

Offline bucky katt

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #118 on: September 11, 2009, 05:09:53 PM »
i use the remington lube/cleaner spray in the green/yellow aeresol can for my guns.
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Offline myhondas

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #119 on: September 11, 2009, 05:17:38 PM »
Hoppe's #9 has always worked for me.   and's your punishment for thinking there is any civility or conscience in dc.
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Offline Ecosse

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #120 on: September 11, 2009, 05:20:31 PM »
Why the hell did I start this thread...  Stupid moments of weakness...

What was it Oppenheimer said?

"Now I am become death, shatterer of online motorcycle forums."   ;D

 :D :D :D :D nice to meet you... dr. frankenstein. gee that's a nice monster you created.  ::)
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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #121 on: September 11, 2009, 05:22:24 PM »
Why the hell did I start this thread...  Stupid moments of weakness...

What was it Oppenheimer said?

"Now I am become death, shatterer of online motorcycle forums."   ;D

 :D :D :D :D nice to meet you... dr. frankenstein. gee that's a nice monster you created.  ::)

No, it's Dr. Fronkin-steen... ;D
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I like my women a little big. Natural. Now, they shave this and wax that. It's not right. I love natural women. Big women. This trend in women has to go. Bulomia, anorexia. That's just wrong. You know what will cure that? My special sticky buns. One lick of my sticky buns and your appetite will come right back. ~ RIP Mr. Borgnine  01/24/1917 - 07/08/2012  :'(


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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #122 on: September 11, 2009, 05:22:33 PM »
The name was " inline filter, who uses them" or something like that, I don't know the link

Nope, I did like TT told me and I went to honda and paid $34.50 for the in tank filter system

but I no longer us a in line filter

 :o That's a carb rebuild waiting to happen.   ;)

Got a link?

Offline cleveland

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #123 on: September 11, 2009, 05:32:33 PM »
Hoppe's #9 has always worked for me. 

Yep, me too.  ;D

Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #124 on: September 11, 2009, 05:55:22 PM »
So that was all you had tom? Again you dont read. I already said I did not have the answers. You ask why they are not providing the same plan as congress? You really need an answer for this? FIrst off, everyone in congress is a legal citizen. Second, they pay nothing but when that same idea gets tossed around, people like you go off the deep end so they CANT give us the same plan as people would be shouting about paying for it. Insuring a few hundred congessmen is a lot cheaper than a couple hundred million. Simple math there.

But again, all I started with was saying things are no worse under obama than they were under bush. I would be willing to bet that if bush was still in, things would be even worse than now. Of course there is no way to disprove OR prove that.
As for walls, what walls? I didnt put up any walls. That was you trying to make bogus claims you cant back up.
I see though that you are good republican robot. You do exactly as you are programmed to do.

See what makes you the toolbox is that the republican mouthpieces have their tools in YOU, and you like it.

Also, I see you are bothered by this enough to find out what you can about me, even though I really couldn't give a crap who you are. The only amount of my time you are worth is what it takes to type this and that isn't much. It would be less but I am trying to simplify this so you can understand it as you have demonstrated a clear lack of comprehension.

Oh for the rest of you. You spent $35 for a tank filter!?