Author Topic: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?  (Read 18863 times)

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #125 on: September 11, 2009, 06:13:42 PM »
These political fight threads remind me of the Abbot & Costello "Who's on 1st" routine.  It's always the same people involved, saying exactly the same thing they always say, none of them are listening to each other, and it's hilarious every single time. :D ;D


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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #126 on: September 11, 2009, 06:36:48 PM »
So that was all you had tom? Again you dont read. I already said I did not have the answers. You ask why they are not providing the same plan as congress? You really need an answer for this? FIrst off, everyone in congress is a legal citizen. Second, they pay nothing but when that same idea gets tossed around, people like you go off the deep end so they CANT give us the same plan as people would be shouting about paying for it. Insuring a few hundred congessmen is a lot cheaper than a couple hundred million. Simple math there.

But again, all I started with was saying things are no worse under obama than they were under bush. I would be willing to bet that if bush was still in, things would be even worse than now. Of course there is no way to disprove OR prove that.
As for walls, what walls? I didnt put up any walls. That was you trying to make bogus claims you cant back up.
I see though that you are good republican robot. You do exactly as you are programmed to do.

See what makes you the toolbox is that the republican mouthpieces have their tools in YOU, and you like it.

Also, I see you are bothered by this enough to find out what you can about me, even though I really couldn't give a crap who you are. The only amount of my time you are worth is what it takes to type this and that isn't much. It would be less but I am trying to simplify this so you can understand it as you have demonstrated a clear lack of comprehension.

Oh for the rest of you. You spent $35 for a tank filter!?
Tank strainer set, you can get it @ bike bandit for $29.00 but after you pay shipping your just as well to get it at the dealership

Offline bucky katt

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #127 on: September 11, 2009, 06:48:34 PM »
Hoppe's #9 has always worked for me.   and's your punishment for thinking there is any civility or conscience in dc.

i like the remington spray  because it lubes and cleans. and i mean CLEAN
Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.
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Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #128 on: September 11, 2009, 07:02:18 PM »
Just what is "people like you"? Is that everyone who disagrees with your left wing ideas who support a President who can not and will not tell the truth?

Obozo has been in office what 9 months now? Name one thing he promised during the election that he has done? Every action he has taken since being sworn in has been a result of his hatred of the middle class. Notice he does not attack the rich? Know why? Because he needs their money and permission. Neither party really cares about the poor, they just use them as an excuse to do their deeds.

Please cite your references for your reply to why we cannot have the same health care plan that congress has? How is it fair to everyone that elected officials receive better health care than their employers?

Again, being a toolbox is not a bad thing, being a tool for Obozo and his Acorn group is. BTW, how many times did you register Paul Newman to vote?

Your friend, Tom

So that was all you had tom? Again you dont read. I already said I did not have the answers. You ask why they are not providing the same plan as congress? You really need an answer for this? FIrst off, everyone in congress is a legal citizen. Second, they pay nothing but when that same idea gets tossed around, people like you go off the deep end so they CANT give us the same plan as people would be shouting about paying for it. Insuring a few hundred congessmen is a lot cheaper than a couple hundred million. Simple math there.

But again, all I started with was saying things are no worse under obama than they were under bush. I would be willing to bet that if bush was still in, things would be even worse than now. Of course there is no way to disprove OR prove that.
As for walls, what walls? I didnt put up any walls. That was you trying to make bogus claims you cant back up.
I see though that you are good republican robot. You do exactly as you are programmed to do.

See what makes you the toolbox is that the republican mouthpieces have their tools in YOU, and you like it.

Also, I see you are bothered by this enough to find out what you can about me, even though I really couldn't give a crap who you are. The only amount of my time you are worth is what it takes to type this and that isn't much. It would be less but I am trying to simplify this so you can understand it as you have demonstrated a clear lack of comprehension.

Oh for the rest of you. You spent $35 for a tank filter!?

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #129 on: September 11, 2009, 08:14:37 PM »
Don't worry, Soichiro, you're not the only one who see's it.  Many are guilty of it, but don't want to admit it.  Not even to themselves.

Soichiro, way too many "probably"s in there.  Sorry.  Thanks for playing.

Uncle, I see it all the time.  And I didn't even mention anything about credit cards...  

DammitDan, thanks for the kind words.
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Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #130 on: September 11, 2009, 08:16:43 PM »
You still miss it all dont you. How much simpler do you need it?
You want me to say what obama has done. What has he screwed up? Now make sure to list something that was NOT already messed up. I could post MANY links to pages stating what he has done. I know you will not read them though, OR you will say they are slanted or some other thing which would just make you a hypocrite.
If you had been reading my stuff, you would have already seen that I put neither party above the other and that I call for people to go third party. Yet one more thing you conveniently forget.

Site YOUR resources saying we can have the coverage congress has. My thoughts on it are my own, though I bet others would come to the same conclusion.
As for paul newman, you are dirty enough to bring a dead guy into this? Nice, i see you have respect for anything.
As for being a tool, you ARE a tool for obama. You blather so much against him that all you do is sound like a crazy person.

I decided to post these 2, even though you will not read them and just pretend like you did. I know you wont read them though as you have difficulty in reading.

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #131 on: September 11, 2009, 08:25:14 PM »
Tom, do yourself a favor.  Ignore Eldar, Vinman, whatever-his-name-is-today.  He has a knack for not listening or paying attention.  It is maddening how he'll argue in circles and ignore what he's even said just a few minutes ago.  Don't forget, this is the guy who claims to be a Libertarian, yet he supports fascist, government-run healthcare.  That just about says it all, doesn't it?

I used to think he did it deliberately.  That was back when I cared.  Now I just ignore him, and eventually he goes away.

Just what is "people like you"? Is that everyone who disagrees with your left wing ideas who support a President who can not and will not tell the truth?

Obozo has been in office what 9 months now? Name one thing he promised during the election that he has done? Every action he has taken since being sworn in has been a result of his hatred of the middle class. Notice he does not attack the rich? Know why? Because he needs their money and permission. Neither party really cares about the poor, they just use them as an excuse to do their deeds.

Please cite your references for your reply to why we cannot have the same health care plan that congress has? How is it fair to everyone that elected officials receive better health care than their employers?

Again, being a toolbox is not a bad thing, being a tool for Obozo and his Acorn group is. BTW, how many times did you register Paul Newman to vote?

Your friend, Tom

So that was all you had tom? Again you dont read. I already said I did not have the answers. You ask why they are not providing the same plan as congress? You really need an answer for this? FIrst off, everyone in congress is a legal citizen. Second, they pay nothing but when that same idea gets tossed around, people like you go off the deep end so they CANT give us the same plan as people would be shouting about paying for it. Insuring a few hundred congessmen is a lot cheaper than a couple hundred million. Simple math there.

But again, all I started with was saying things are no worse under obama than they were under bush. I would be willing to bet that if bush was still in, things would be even worse than now. Of course there is no way to disprove OR prove that.
As for walls, what walls? I didnt put up any walls. That was you trying to make bogus claims you cant back up.
I see though that you are good republican robot. You do exactly as you are programmed to do.

See what makes you the toolbox is that the republican mouthpieces have their tools in YOU, and you like it.

Also, I see you are bothered by this enough to find out what you can about me, even though I really couldn't give a crap who you are. The only amount of my time you are worth is what it takes to type this and that isn't much. It would be less but I am trying to simplify this so you can understand it as you have demonstrated a clear lack of comprehension.

Oh for the rest of you. You spent $35 for a tank filter!?
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Offline myhondas

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #132 on: September 11, 2009, 08:30:38 PM »
OMG....the venom is really starting to fly.....what's say we take it down one or two levels and try to keep personal attacks out completely. No matter what party you belong to, who you voted for, and what your beliefs are.....we are americans and we are SOHC4 brothers. I hate to see this kind of @$%^$#^% flying between fellow riders. The one great thing about this country is the right to your own opinion and that is just what it opinion which may or may not be shared by others.  and that includes this opinion of mine.  make nice guys and gals....
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Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #133 on: September 11, 2009, 08:37:44 PM »
Now your against Obama? You switch sides faster than a screaming liberal. If you in fact supported Libertian ideas, you would have realized a long time ago any government run health care plan was unconstitutional and is illegal per the 10th amendment.

You know if we were in Texas, they would be saying this about you: "That dog don't hunt".

Too bad you can not see past your small view of the world, I'm sure you have some skills that are quite useful, however your political views are so far out on the fringe, I worry you might hurt some else for not agreeing with your ideas of a perfect world.

Again, your friend, Tom

You still miss it all dont you. How much simpler do you need it?
You want me to say what obama has done. What has he screwed up? Now make sure to list something that was NOT already messed up. I could post MANY links to pages stating what he has done. I know you will not read them though, OR you will say they are slanted or some other thing which would just make you a hypocrite.
If you had been reading my stuff, you would have already seen that I put neither party above the other and that I call for people to go third party. Yet one more thing you conveniently forget.

Site YOUR resources saying we can have the coverage congress has. My thoughts on it are my own, though I bet others would come to the same conclusion.
As for paul newman, you are dirty enough to bring a dead guy into this? Nice, i see you have respect for anything.
As for being a tool, you ARE a tool for obama. You blather so much against him that all you do is sound like a crazy person.

I decided to post these 2, even though you will not read them and just pretend like you did. I know you wont read them though as you have difficulty in reading.

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #134 on: September 11, 2009, 08:39:24 PM »
You missed the election threads, MyHondas.  It was a wild time.

Let's clear up one big point right now, even though I'm still on vacation.  NO POLITICIAN (Republican OR Democrat) HAS EVER CALLED A SITTING PRESIDENT ANYTHING, DURING A SPEECH.  EVER.  The Democrats that were mentioned a couple pages ago that called Lil Bush a liar let history prove that he lied before he was called a liar, and it certainly didn't happen whist he (Bush) was speaking.

Now tomorrow is a road day for me, so don't go being crazy and post 6 more pages before I can get back on.
Go metric, every inch of the way!

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Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #135 on: September 11, 2009, 08:44:18 PM »
Come on Ed, can't I have a little fun yanking Vims chain?

I know he squirms like a greased pig, but good sport is hard to find these days.


Offline edbikerii

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #136 on: September 11, 2009, 08:47:13 PM »
OK, you want me to delete my post?  I'll do it if you think it'll keep him on the hook.

Come on Ed, can't I have a little fun yanking Vims chain?

I know he squirms like a greased pig, but good sport is hard to find these days.


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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #137 on: September 11, 2009, 08:53:49 PM »
 tom and ed I don't know what you have done in your life to become so independently wealthy that you have no concern for the current health care situation, I have worked since I was 14 years old. I have and still do make good money, even when union work falters. I have not been with out health insurance in last 23 years. That streak is about to end, as my wages have lost ground for the last 8-10 years it is to the point I can bring home more money working in the non union sector but with no benefits. I have recently left the trade and Have started helping my Dad in his restoration shop, Hopfully we can get it turned around so we can get insurance through the shop.

I guess where I am going is...I am very offended by the sentiment that I must be lazy or stupid to be in this situation. I am neather  But some sure come off condescending and arrogant to think they above ever finding theirselves in my situation

Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #138 on: September 11, 2009, 09:03:26 PM »
Oh dont remove it. Tom needs all the help he can get, so do you for that matter. See if you really didn't care, you wouldn't way anything. So you DO care and once again, lied through your teeth. I guess most of us are used to it though. At least you are consistent.

Tom once again has nothing to back up anything so I guess you dont hunt either. But then I am not in texas so what do I care about their sayings.. Also, I dont feel to bad about my view of the world as you have more than proven your view is even smaller.

And as I said, you did not read the simple links and have now just resorted to personal attacking and absolutely nothing else. Let me know when you enter the special olimpics, I will sponsor you. Oh and sorry I hurt your feelings, I know it breaks your glass heart.
I bet your kimberly half wears ALL the pants in the family. She must be a saint to take care of you.
So I await for you to actually post something that is more than just your flapping your fingers. once you do that, then I will respond. Why not post something to actyally back your garbage up, unlike you, I will actually read it.

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #139 on: September 11, 2009, 09:03:52 PM »
I must say, short of the last 8 months, I've seen wages for masons sky-rocket around here.  The cost of getting a contractor to work on my house was through the roof until the market voted "no confidence" starting in November.  In fact, it cost me more to build an addition on my house in 2005 than I initially paid for my house and property in 1998.  And honestly, I had to stay on top of the contractors like the plague, because they were doing really, really shoddy work.

When I was looking for contractors, and calling references, you'd be surprised at how many of those references I called raved about the fact that this contractor actually showed up.  The horror stories I heard about OTHER contractors were just plain scary.

I don't know where you were for the last 10 years, but in the New York Tri-State area, the market was booming for those skilled in the construction trades until it all fell apart last fall.

Could it have been a geographical thing for you?

tom and ed I don't know what you have done in your life to become so independently wealthy that you have no concern for the current health care situation, I have worked since I was 14 years old. I have and still do make good money, even when union work falters. I have not been with out health insurance in last 23 years. That streak is about to end, as my wages have lost ground for the last 8-10 years it is to the point I can bring home more money working in the non union sector but with no benefits. I have recently left the trade and Have started helping my Dad in his restoration shop, Hopfully we can get it turned around so we can get insurance through the shop.

I guess where I am going is...I am very offended by the sentiment that I must be lazy or stupid to be in this situation. I am neather  But some sure come off condescending and arrogant to think they above ever finding theirselves in my situation
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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #140 on: September 11, 2009, 09:11:12 PM »
I love the stereotype. I have been a Union Mason, foreman, contractor since 1987 and just because work is booming means nothing, my heath care cost for example has risen from $0.60 per hour with a 1200 hour min to maintain coverage to $6.35 an hour with a 1800 hour worked mini um to maintain coverage.

.......And if your bottom dollaring the contractors you with get bottom dollar quality.... if you don't pay till they earn the wage they will show up or they will be replaced


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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #141 on: September 11, 2009, 09:13:02 PM »
around here most houses are bricked as side jobs or by mexicians living in their pickup trucks for 1/3 of the going rate

Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #142 on: September 11, 2009, 09:25:12 PM »
Why do you feel the need to insult everyone who does not agree with you? You have your point of view, I have mine.

How many beers have you had tonight? Or do you consume something stronger? Your posts are getting more erratic as the evening progresses.

I sure hope the Kimberly in my house wears the pants, that is my last name after all. I have never understood the need to hide behind a nick name.

So you don't care for the people of Texas (and I suspect all the other states except for Minnesota). What happend to your love of all humanity? Your disdain of the handicapped is showing with your remark about the Special Olympics. It must suck to be you.

In closing, have a nice evening.

Your friend, Tom

Oh dont remove it. Tom needs all the help he can get, so do you for that matter. See if you really didn't care, you wouldn't way anything. So you DO care and once again, lied through your teeth. I guess most of us are used to it though. At least you are consistent.

Tom once again has nothing to back up anything so I guess you dont hunt either. But then I am not in texas so what do I care about their sayings.. Also, I dont feel to bad about my view of the world as you have more than proven your view is even smaller.

And as I said, you did not read the simple links and have now just resorted to personal attacking and absolutely nothing else. Let me know when you enter the special olimpics, I will sponsor you. Oh and sorry I hurt your feelings, I know it breaks your glass heart.
I bet your kimberly half wears ALL the pants in the family. She must be a saint to take care of you.
So I await for you to actually post something that is more than just your flapping your fingers. once you do that, then I will respond. Why not post something to actyally back your garbage up, unlike you, I will actually read it.

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #143 on: September 11, 2009, 09:26:23 PM »
MM, you clearly are unfamiliar with the NY construction scene.  Maybe you should move here.  Then you'd be rich, and you'd be laughing at me and my meager job!   ;D

Heck, plumbers here charge in excess of $125 per hour.  Admittedly, I have not hired any contractors in the past year or so, though.  I suspect the rates may be coming down to mere mortal levels of late.

I love the stereotype. I have been a Union Mason, foreman, contractor since 1987 and just because work is booming means nothing, my heath care cost for example has risen from $0.60 per hour with a 1200 hour min to maintain coverage to $6.35 an hour with a 1800 hour worked mini um to maintain coverage.

.......And if your bottom dollaring the contractors you with get bottom dollar quality.... if you don't pay till they earn the wage they will show up or they will be replaced
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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #144 on: September 11, 2009, 09:40:49 PM »
What do you do Ed.... Just as MM I have worked since I was 14 and have made decent money over the years (I'm certainly not even 40 yet) but it has fallen through the basement as of the last couple of years.

Oddly enough I have never been able to afford proper health insurance. I just haven't made that kind of money.

What with.....

Internet/TV (bundled to keep cost low)
Car/Motorcycle Insurance (mandatory here)
Shop Rent
Business Insurance (does not cover health)
Renters Insurance (so cheap you cannot pass it up... if you are smart)

I don't make enough money to afford health insurance.... especially when it rivals my home and shop rent combined. And my employer (small business) cannot afford it for us employees either.

So if I don't qualify for Medicaid..... and I cannot even come close to affording COBRA..... and my job doesn't provide insurance.....

What am I supposed to do?
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Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #145 on: September 11, 2009, 10:04:52 PM »
around here most houses are bricked as side jobs or by mexicians living in their pickup trucks for 1/3 of the going rate

I know I will come off as racist however what is happening in your area has been going on for 35 years in California. Most the good paying blue collar jobs have been taken over by our friends from the south who accept less pay because of unscrupulous contractors. Many are paid off the books in cash which they then send south to support their families and to build homes for them to go back to when they retire.

If the current politicians have there way, there will no longer be any middle class, just poor and ultra rich, just like all third world countries.


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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #146 on: September 11, 2009, 10:15:26 PM »
around here most houses are bricked as side jobs or by mexicians living in their pickup trucks for 1/3 of the going rate

I know I will come off as racist however what is happening in your area has been going on for 35 years in California. Most the good paying blue collar jobs have been taken over by our friends from the south who accept less pay because of unscrupulous contractors. Many are paid off the books in cash which they then send south to support their families and to build homes for them to go back to when they retire.

If the current politicians have there way, there will no longer be any middle class, just poor and ultra rich, just like all third world countries.


Got any evidence to back up your claim?  I want to see the peer reviewed articles that investigate your claims that Mexican immigrants are using the money they earn in the states to build "retirement homes".

Or is it that you're operating solely on personal observation and hearsay from disgruntled construction workers?

Offline tomkimberly

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #147 on: September 11, 2009, 10:30:38 PM »
Talk to anyone of them, they will gladly tell you the same.

They don't come here to become citizens, they come here for the money to support their families and to build their own homes in their home country.


around here most houses are bricked as side jobs or by mexicians living in their pickup trucks for 1/3 of the going rate

I know I will come off as racist however what is happening in your area has been going on for 35 years in California. Most the good paying blue collar jobs have been taken over by our friends from the south who accept less pay because of unscrupulous contractors. Many are paid off the books in cash which they then send south to support their families and to build homes for them to go back to when they retire.

If the current politicians have there way, there will no longer be any middle class, just poor and ultra rich, just like all third world countries.


Got any evidence to back up your claim?  I want to see the peer reviewed articles that investigate your claims that Mexican immigrants are using the money they earn in the states to build "retirement homes".

Or is it that you're operating solely on personal observation and hearsay from disgruntled construction workers?

Offline DammitDan

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #148 on: September 11, 2009, 10:42:46 PM »
Talk to anyone of them, they will gladly tell you the same.

They don't come here to become citizens, they come here for the money to support their families and to build their own homes in their home country.


I'll chock that up to a "no".

Because we all know how reliable hearsay and assumptions can be...  I also hear applying stereotypes is a great way to make new friends!

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Re: Was anyone else deeply offended by the "You Lie!" outburst?
« Reply #149 on: September 11, 2009, 11:17:17 PM »
Well I'm not the one who created this thread now am I?

Just wondering, why do people on the internet expect everyone to "quote" reliable sources when they question your answers? Should I just put up a fake web page and cite it as my evidence? It must be true, I read it on the web.......