Author Topic: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 - National Medical Device Registry  (Read 31920 times)

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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 - National Medical Device Registry
« Reply #75 on: December 23, 2009, 05:08:24 PM »
...My wife's father had an 8th grade education (common for growing up in the 1930's) and never had a diploma or a GED...

Neither did either one of my Granddads. But the subject is not as simple as it seems; a long time ago my dad found one of his dad's old history exams. It was harder than any history test any of us had ever taken and even our high school teachers said they would have had a helluva time passing it.

You're right there but even so they still would not meet Ed's proposed voting criteria.  These types of restrictions have been and are used to suppress and restrict the voting rights of minorities and the poor.  For anyone to pretend otherwise is disingenuous at best.  Now I am sure we have all seen people who we thought were to ill informed to vote, take Sarah Palin supporters for instance, but it's the price of democracy that we all get a shot at the voting booth. ;D


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Re: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 - National Medical Device Registry
« Reply #76 on: December 25, 2009, 09:20:20 AM »
First time on the forum but I figured I'd weigh in.  To all those that think the Health Care bill language is something sinister.....well you sound pretty right when you take this into consideration about class two medical devices.

The title says it all.  Just as was stated in Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts confirmation one of the lawmakers on the panel boldly stated to Roberts, "you will rule on a variety of things during your tenure on the courts."  He then proceeded to name off a few, and then stated with no hesitation, "you will rule on whether humans can be forcibly implanted with microchips against their will." 

This false left/right dance has been going on since the implementation of the income tax in 1913, which also established the non-Federal Reserve.  (the federal reserve is a private bank you and I can not hold stock in).  The implementation of the income tax was not supposed to be a tax on your "wages", the SCOTUS ruled in 1937 labor is a tangible asset so when you trade it for a check you have no gain IE income.  Social Security was supposed to be voluntary, and you can still go without a SSN but it will make life quite difficult.  They implemented the draft in our "free and democratic society."  (we are not a democracy we are a Constitutional Republic)  Nixon instituted the policies that allowed our industries to be exported to China.  Clinton implemented NAFTA against the will of unions so that we have further erosion of our industrial might.  He pushes the agenda of demonizing militia movements and gun owners. 

Bush implemented the Patriot Act undermining all your Constitutionally protected rights, he handicapped Posse Commitatus, and made it so that American citizens could be held without trial in military tribunals and military prisons.  He doesn't pursue the agenda of demonizing guns and militias openly.  But during Bush's time there are a few reports of "homegrown terrorism."  Obama has done nothing to reverse Bush's usurpation of the Constitution instead he furthers the game by implementing "health care reform" that will have you chipped and cataloged.  His justice dept turns on the heat of "homegrown terrorism", right wing extremism, and as soon as health care reform is passed he will start to push for an "assault weapons" ban.  Note you can not own a true assault weapon now.  Anything that fires multiple rounds with just one pull of the trigger you need a "federal firearms license."  But a semi auto that looks like an "assault weapon" will be "just as bad" under this legislation. 

The gov't seeks to have a monopoly on force so that you will submit to the chip and whatever else they have planned for us.  Thomas Jefferson stated the second amendment is the teeth of liberty for the people.  It was meant to be exercised if the gov't "of the people" ever stopped working for their true masters, us!  They have usurped your freedom to assembly, speech, religion (under Bush with "faith based initiatives and "anti-terror" training for pastor, and clergy), they infringe upon the uninfringeable second, 3rd quartering of troops (nothing yet), they have obliterated the fourth with the Patriot Act, the SCOTUS has obliterated the fifth's protections against eminent domain, they have further negated the other protections in the fifth with the Patriot act, and just recently ruled against due process.  The 6th, 7th, and 8th have all been annililated by the "war on terror" even though Obama has promised to roll back the transgressions of the former Administration he has done nothing. 

The 9th and 10th do not deal specifically with any liberties you may or may not hold but the states have recently starting flexing in a game of show that they are sovereign states under the Constitution.  You must understand that before the civil war you were a citizen of the state of XXXXXXXXXXXXX for me Louisiana.  And the people referred to the United States as the United States "are" not "is".  A state as defined by international law, and recognized for most of modern history is a "nation."  When the UN refers to its countries that are members they are "states" in the UN.  Provinces are divisions of a larger national government.  We weren't set up that way.