I'm still not clear on whether you ran the engine for 30 seconds before you put fresh oil in or after. If you can first answer that then everything will be clearer.
Personally, and I hasten to add I'm no engineer, I don't think running the engine for 30 seconds at moderate RPMs with no oil in it will do any major damage. Unless of course the engine had been sitting for a while and all the oil had run off of every bearing surface. Did you warm up the engine before draining the oil? If you did, I think it's highly unlikely any damage was done. Oil is clingy, it will be held between bearing surfaces for a long time.
I think what you read concerning kicking the engine over when changing the oil relates to pumping out the last dregs. You might also be confusing that advice with starting a rebuilt engine for the first time, when you need to pump oil around the engine, fill all the oilways etc. without the presence of heat from combustion.
Lastly, I don't think the running problem you now have is related to the oil issue. Sounds like a fuel problem to me.