OK, the bike ran but not like it should. I knew I would have to clean the jets...
SO here it goes. With pictures even!
I have done many sets of 400 carbs in the past. So I am getting pretty good at it but a fellow Honda freak friend of mine had a great tip that he picked up somewhere. Check out the third hand that held the airbox completely out of the way to expiditeremoving the carb set!
Remove the tank and side panels. 3 less items to worry about damaging.

Romove the cables and loosen all your hose clamps. Make sure you loosen them all the way. Push the engine clamps as close to the head as you can.

Undo the vents and make sure you know where everything is routed.

THis is the part YOU must do if you want to cut your swearing by 99%. After the clamps are loose use a tie down strap to pull the airbox back. Attach the strap to the rear of the bike after you loop it over the top of the intake rubbers. Once it is pulled back REMOVE your hose clamps before you do any thing else. If you do not remove the clamps you will mangle them and possiably scratch your engine paint or other stuff you do not want to damage.

Undo the cables.

Pull the carbs. (you removed the vents right?)

These were not NASTY by any means but the jets needed a good cleaning. I will not be taking these all the way apart as they function well as is.

Not to bad inside, Ihave seen much fuzzier and greener...and sometimes white? Yuck!

Do not forget to make sure your nipples are clean... The end is spring loaded make sure it is not stuck!

This was the carb that was giving me trouble. Not that much different than the rest . But it only takes one tiny piece-o-crap to mes up a sweet running ride.

Take a break from the carb cleaner fumes and detail the hard to reach bits. Much easier to wipe it now than after it is reassembled. I always lay down a nice coat of wax to protect the finish.

Every thing ihas been removed and was cleaned rinsed and rinsed again. Now its ready to go back together.

Don't forget and little or BIG parts... At this point I forgot to install the floats in the second carb...

I lubed all the linkages everything is SMOOOOTH. THe set is ready to put back in!

Slide the carbs back in from the RIGHT SIDE. push them into the head first. REMEMBER to put your airbox clamps back on BEFORE you push the airbox back onto the carbs. Tighten all the clamps and reinstall your vent tubes and breather hose.

Buttoned back up!

I turned on the fuel, kicked it over two times with kill off. I switched it back on and it fired up on the next kick. Smooth as silk with no fiddeling it sat at 1400. I have it set now at aprox 900-1000 rpm and you can hardly hear it.
PS look closely the idiot dash still has its protective plastic coating...Who doesnt remove that when they first get a bike?

I took it out for a little ride...It ended up being 50+ miles and the little bugger really rips now.
Next time it will be valves and points!