dukie- I'm ignorant to whatever road projects and problems may exist in many other states, but here in Florida they seem to
waste tons of money on the newest road signs, street, and traffic lights, and the roadways are repaved or widened constantly.
I do know that when I went to Ohio, the traffic lights were at least 25-30 years old, and the signs were pretty old too.
I thought it was a smart way to save money; replace the bulbs not the whole fixture, and replace a sign only when it starts to fade.
but now that you mention it, maybe they just don't have the money.
the problem I have with this plan is they want to use GPS to do it.
sure... all it does is "track your mileage"
Back in the 1970's there was a "Save a Watt Campaign" here in NY anyway.
we had that here too.