A little idiocy and impatience to share with a happy ending:
Parked my bike three days ago and didnt have a chance to get it out for a spin until yesterday. Went to the garage, stuck in the key, and quickly realized I had turned the key to the far right, that funny little position that turns on the back taillight for whatever reason, and found the battery was completely drained.
I pulled out the battery charger and thought a quick shot of juice would do it, but an hour later it was still not charged enough to crank the starter. Daylight was burning and I wanted to get out on a ride, so I used the kickstart to fire it up, thinking a nice ride would charge the battery the rest of the way.
An hour later I pulled into a gas station to top off the tank and at the same time a guy on on VTX 1800 trike pulled in as well. We checked out each other's bike and we talked about my rebuild. I actually know the guy who built his trike as well. As we were preparing to leave, I hit the elec start and it had that long slow death-like turn over for about 3 seconds before it completely died. The guy on the trike was looking over at me and without missing a beat I folded out the kickstart and with one swift kick it fired up. He couldnt help but smile and commented, "You dont see those anymore...". Almost brings tears to me eyes as I think about it...