The bleeder bolt on my cb550 was rusted pretty good. I managed to get it out and upon reassembly, in a real boneheaded move on my part, I stripped the female threads in the caliper thinking the bolt wasnt seated enough. I chased the threads of the bolt with a die and retapped the caliper in an attempt to restore the threads. The top maybe 5 threads in the caliper are pretty short and rounded off from years of the previous owner screwing and unscrewing a rusted bleeder bolt with bad threads, so these top 5 threads dont really even engage at all. Now the lower ones that did engage dont...the bolt just spins. In a last ditch effort, I shortened the coned tip of the bleeder bolt so that it would have to screw down further to seat and use more threads to do so. The bolt now holds and has 2.5 turns of good threads before it is seated. Its kinda tight but I dont want to tighten it too much and strip those threads.
My question is what are my options. I doubt anyone here is gonna say "2.5 threads is enough go ride it!". Can I smear the top threads of the caliper with JB Weld and tap them? Do I need a new caliper?