Author Topic: Charity bike ride review.  (Read 662 times)

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Jim Shea

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Charity bike ride review.
« on: December 06, 2005, 04:59:45 AM »
Charity Toy Run Reading to Wokingham 2005.

On Sun 4th Dec 3000+ bikers showed up for the annual Dr Barnardos charity toy run.
It was a crisp dry and sunny day which swelled the crowds that lined the 6 -7 mile route that was taken. All roads were closed off and marshals and police ensured a safe and enjoyable time was had by all.
This was my first time and I met up with a couple of other Honda SOHC riders, ‘SteveD’ and Frank ‘oldboy’. Along the way we met up with a ‘rare’ to the UK CB350 ridden by Adam a student from Reading University. There was only one other Honda SOHC CB500 that we saw in the throng, so in all only 5 out of 3000+ bikes, a surprisingly small number really! There was literally every shape and size of bike that you can imagine and the rider’s outfits ranged from Santas, elves, fairies, reindeers and even a full size snow man. My personal favourite bike was an immaculate Honda CBX, although the immaculate Bonnevilles and Commandos came a close second.
The furthest distance that a rider had travelled to attend was 230 miles from St Austell in Cornwall! The oldest combined age of bike and rider came to 130+ years!
The run took nearly an hour to travel the handful of miles to the Wokingham Dr Barnardos home, where the multitudes of presents were deposited. The whole route was lined with well wishers cheering and clapping us on, by the time we arrived my arm was tired from waving so vigorously to the crowds.
Most importantly though, was that this was all in aid of a great charity that works non stop on behalf of under privileged kids. They receive so many presents that they have to distribute them all over the country to other children’s homes and organizations for needy children.
I know that I am looking forward to next years run and hopefully even more people will attend. If you would like to know more, go to:


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Re: Charity bike ride review.
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 08:41:59 AM »
Nice write-up Jim - sorry I couldn't be there to swell the massive SOHC4 attendance figure, but I didn't fancy pushing just a filthy dirty frame the 6 or 7 miles, even if it was sitting aboive two nice new shiny wheels!

So, I look forward to joining you and the other guys next year - let's hope the weather repeats itself then!

Terry (the one in UK)

Jim Shea

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Re: Charity bike ride review.
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 08:59:52 AM »
Thanks mate. It would have been a bit of a trip from LB anyway.
Hopefully your bike will be on the road by spring 06?