Hello, just registered, this is my first post. Also new to the motorcycle world in general. Last August I bought my first (and only) bike, a 1981 CB650. I've never done any work on any motorized vehicle before. In other words I am a complete newb.
I know part of owning a motorcycle is the joy of doing your own work. I'm also nervous I'll screw up my bike somehow. So... baby steps. I've had some things done in the shop. Rotor needed replacement right away. Recently had headlight replaced (it was in for inspection anyway, or I'd have tried that myself), and new front tire (i just don't have the tools). Things I've done myself (remember, baby steps!): had battery on tender for the winter, reinstalled it; adjusted idle; oil and filter change (last week!).
I have a few days off, and the next thing I'd like to take on is the brake fluid. I have a new bottle of Honda fluid, and I'm positive the line could use the bleeding, rather than just a top off.
So, the short of it is.... could somebody write out a simple step by step walkthrough for me? Including any tools, materials I'll need? (i might need to pick something up). Forgive me if there already is one somewhere on the forums, but I couldn't find one.