Author Topic: Fuel IV  (Read 4453 times)

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Offline Beans

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Fuel IV
« on: September 22, 2009, 10:42:04 PM »
OK so was messing with the bike and well got mad the gas tank was always in my way when I wanted to tune the carbs.  so I made a fuel IV with some common stuff I had lying around.  theirs 5 things you need and most of you have them in your garage.

1.Lawn mower gas can.   the one or 2 gallon one is what I used.
2. Old cb petcock.
3. fuel line.  clean is my choice so I can see if gas is flowing.
4. 5 minute epoxy.  
5.  zip tie, string or bungee cord to hand it above the bike.

OK so I took my lawn mower can and drilled a whole just big enough to put the petcock made up some 5 minute epoxy to hold it all in. added the fuel lines and hung it from my garage door with a bungee cord.   works great and I can still use it for my lawn mower if I choose too.  here are some pics I took after I built it.

Hope this helps someone in the future during their build.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 10:47:55 PM by Beans »
Keep it shinny side up.

Offline wannabridin

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Re: Fuel IV
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2009, 06:29:08 PM »
gotta love the home made mods!  great job, i might be using a similar setup to bench tune my motor and break it in...  either way, nicely done!!
1976 CB750K, currently under construction:

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Offline Toxic

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Re: Fuel IV
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2009, 10:25:29 AM »
shortly after seein this, my neighbor was throwing out a LawnBoy.
The gas tank is in perfect shape and the fuel outlet looks like it is the correct size.

Good score.