So I decided to run some carburator cleaner (seafoam) through my 78 CB750A to fix it's erratic idleing. I dumped about half the can into the gas tank as suggested by someone here and, on suggestion of my father (who knows a good bit about motorcycle repair/maintenence) took off the air intake and trickled a very small amount directly into the the carbs while running the engine. After doing this with two carbs I noticed that my exhaust pipes were glowing red, bright red. So I shut the engine down and watched the glowing slowly fade and prayed (for the first time in years) that I didn't just majorly damage my engine.
Any Ideas what I did wrong? The label on the can suggested this type of use also.
-Motorcycle was in nueteral, warm and idleing fairly high when I began, introduction of the carb cleaner raised the rpm a little, but not enough to scare me.
Any ideas on what I should check for damage?
Anyways, I think my do it yourself kick is over for a little while, at least unsupervised. I don't have much experience working on motorcycles but I'm a mechanical engineer, You'de think I could figure this stuff out...