Author Topic: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one  (Read 3957 times)

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Offline dusterdude

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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2005, 01:17:47 PM »
ed,is that supposed to be disco dancing,i dont remember dancing like that to disco music. :D
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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2005, 06:00:47 PM »
i dont remember dancing like that to disco music. :D

Duster, I don't remember dacing like that either. Perhaps it's better that way. ;)

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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2005, 06:29:20 PM »
If we all got together for a Rally we would have to learn those moves.  ;D Scarry thought huh?  :D

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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2005, 06:46:58 PM »
What's up with that avatar change? You are scaring the hell out of my son and I.

We went to a wild animal park this past summer and were feeding an ostirich. When the food ran out he started to get more interested about what was inside the car. I quicly rolled up the window, damn near got the ostrich's head caught. He was then pecking at the glass which was actually quite funny. That quickly turned to horror when I realized he was starting to peck at the paint on my custom PT crusier! :o away!


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Offline cbjunkie

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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2005, 07:02:06 PM »
a couple of years ago at Amboseli game park in southern Kenya a Japanese businessman, on tour with his wife and collegues, walked down an embankment just of the veranda bar of the main house...he wanted to pose next to a hippo that was feeding at the edge of a stream. in front of his fellow travelers the hippo stuck out its head and bit him in half.  ::)

similarly, an ostrich, far from being the cutesy, dorky creature portrayed by disney, is an agressive bird and is able to kick a hole in a human torso or sever a head with its rear claw with one swift swipe of the foot. 

do't f*%k with mother nature.   ;D

as for my avatar - it's an emu - isn't it just the cutest thing?  ;)
1971 750K1
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sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #30 on: December 10, 2005, 07:05:07 PM »
a couple of years ago at Amboseli game park in southern Kenya a Japanese businessman, on tour with his wife and collegues, walked down an embankment just of the veranda bar of the main house...he wanted to pose next to a hippo that was feeding at the edge of a stream. in front of his fellow travelers the hippo stuck out its head and bit him in half.  ::)

similarly, an ostrich, far from being the cutesy, dorky creature portrayed by disney, is an agressive bird and is able to kick a hole in a human torso or sever a head with its rear claw with one swift swipe of the foot. 

People make this mistake every year with buffalo. They get close thinking they are just like cows. If they dont like your car, trust me you wont beable to get the door open after he nails your car once broadside.

Offline cbjunkie

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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #31 on: December 10, 2005, 07:10:51 PM »
my dad and i used to drive into Nairobi Game Park in the Land Cruiser just for a day of lion-spotting and rhino baiting...

rhino baiting, you ask? it takes some skill...

involves finding a couple of rhino out minding their own business, getting about 30 yards away and then cat-calling them until they charge... at that point you better already have the car running and an escape route planned out.

an african man was found hanging from a small tree, bled to death ...his feet were missing. rhino some claim.
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.

Offline DiscoEd

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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #32 on: December 10, 2005, 07:59:45 PM »
an african man was found hanging from a small tree, bled to death ...his feet were missing. rhino some claim.

Had me worried for a moment there... I was afraid it was poachers!

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Offline DiscoEd

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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #33 on: December 10, 2005, 08:11:49 PM »
They get close thinking they are just like cows.

Obviously they've never seen what a cow can do to the sides of pick up truck. :'(


P.S. ...and speaking of Buffalo... another pic from my collection.
1975 CB550 K1
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Re: If this is restored I can tell you I dont want one
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2005, 08:17:23 PM »
an african man was found hanging from a small tree, bled to death ...his feet were missing. rhino some claim.

Had me worried for a moment there... I was afraid it was poachers!


Maybe he was supposed to be a soylent green and easy cheese sandwich?