Oh, my. SOHC4ums you disappoint me so.
There are a few things that we really need to get straight - especially Bill440, mysitc and everyone else with a bastardized understanding of science.
1. God, by the very definition, is supernatural. Etymologically, god is ABOVE NATURE. Ergo, any attempts to either use scientific principals to explain god's existence, or conflate god with nature ("so much natural order in the universe, there must be a creator!" etc.) is horribly wrong, without value, and an affront to science as we know it.
2. Science has been very good to you. It has given you a motorcycle, a food supply, central heating, the computer that you're typing on... you name it. In return, it asks nothing. You can blaspheme against science all day long and it won't threaten you with an eternity of damnation or anything else. However, if you wish to discuss or practice science, it is required that you abide by thing number
3. which is the
Scientific Method. Adherence to this method is the reason that science has come so far as it has - the reason you have a motorcycle and we're not huddled around a fire doing a rain dance to avoid starving.
In brief, the method is about testing, repetition and review. All scientific principles are up for debate and review -
including the theory of evolution! Anyone who wanted to take a serious academic run at it would find a bushel of biologists ready to hear him out. The trouble is; anyone determined to challenge the old man has never been quite as interested in science as they are in religion - and quite often collecting money from weak minded followers.
And it's for that reason that nobody takes the (usually American, why are they always American?) anti-evolution contingent seriously. It never fails to amaze me the mind numbing level of the zealots associated with creationism and intelligent design.
Science is interested in understanding how the world works. It has been very successful so far by not jumping to conclusions. Indeed, there is enormous beauty and wonder in nature and the universe. Carl Sagan is better at explaining how vast and fantastic it is than I am (see below). If we're ever going to get to the bottom of it - if there is any understanding to be had - it won't be through fairy tales and ghost stories. Those are the OPPOSITE OF KNOWLEDGE! THE ANTITHESIS OF UNDERSTANDING!
Theology is beautiful. I consider myself a man of faith and am not ashamed of my worship. I also value all freedom including freedom of religion. But for heaven's sakes (rimshot!) please don't be foolish enough to let your faith get in the way of knowledge.