You know, IF (and that's a BIG if) Evolution were true, monkey's would have disappeared long ago and no telling WHAT folks would look like by now, don't ya think? As far as whether there is a "Creator" or not, has no one ever wondered about the things of everyday life? Where did all of this come from? I guess it just happened. The solar system just happens to function in a way that the planets don't collide with each other, the seasons just happen in a way to in a way to kill off the ticks and chiggers so that the earth isn't just overrun with them, look at the way the plants and trees come back to life each Spring, the way that reproduction goes, the way that we take in food and drink and dispose of the waste that our bodies don't use.
Some will say that there aren't any such things as miracles, like in the "Biblical days". I can tell you that
I have
No Doubt that there are indeed "Miracles" now days. Best example I know of, is my Daughter Karla. She was PERFECT when she was born. Eleven months AFTER she was born, she started having seizures. We went through all kinds of medications to try to control them and each one would do a pretty good job, even though not completely. Time went on and at the age of 15yrs old, the Children's Hospital decided that she should be tested to see if she was a candidate for brain surgery to remove the left tempral lobe. IF she WOULD have been a candidate, they would have shaved her head, put her to sleep, cut the skull so that they could lift off the top of her skull, awakened her enough so that they could have her watch a monitor and respond as they would "short out each section of her brain to make sure of what functions were coming from each part and what would be affected with the left tempral lobe gone. As it turned out, she WAS NOT a candidate at that time. Then, at the age of 18yrs old, she went TOXIC on her medication (Tegratol) and once again there was talk of that surgery. Only, by that time, the procedure with cutting the skull had been replaced by simply
doing something like an arteriorgram (spelling?) and they simply went into the main artery in the groin area, went up into each side of the brain and tested each side. This meant that WHEN the surgery was done, all they did was to shave the left side of her head, make an incision like the letter "C" (about 3" wide) make a hole in the skull just large enough to take out the left tempral lobe, do a brief exploratory, close and they were done. Now, in MY way of thinking, having the brain surgery was a MIRACLE, having it done in a more simple way was a MIRACLE, they said that on the 2nd day after the surgery she would have problems with math and her speech which would clear up on the next day or two (never had those happen, another
MIRACLE) She had the surgery on a Monday morning and was discharged by Thursday at Noon (seems like a MIRACLE to me). All this knowledge that Doctors come up with, all these medical procedures, the way things have developed over the years (example, going from riding horse and in wagons, to cars and MOTORCYCLES). Just WHERE did all the knowledge come from? DID it just come out of the air? I don't think so! WE are GIVEN THE FREEDOM TO
BELIEVE and we have to
TRUST that we make the
KNOW I have.

Have YOU?

Okay, I'm done, Bill

Okay, I'm ALMOST done.

I'd like to add that personally, I KNOW where Brenda is AND that I WILL see her again and BTW, Karla hasn't had a Seizure since the surgery that was done on the morning of the 8th of Oct, 1996.