I had dinner several weeks ago with a 70 year old fellow who rode over to our home. He's the long time lover of a good friend of ours, but I'd never met him. As I didn't see him before he entered the house, I asked him what he was riding, and his reply struck me as curious. He said, "What else would an old man ride?"
Of course, I immediately said BMW
, and told him that I had one too! He was in fact riding an r1150r, but as I thought about it afterwards, I don't think beemers as a rule are for old folks. The older ones are a bit sedate for sure, but look at the k1300s or the new conventional literish bike that's supposed to be out about now. I still think it was a weird thing to say though.
P.S. Sorry to highjack the thread, I think the cb900f is a cool ride. Naked and air cooled, looks nice IMO except for the custom model, I don't think there were any real maintenance probs, but others would know more than I. Good luck!