Just seems to be TOO MANY things going on in our (especially MY) life at the moment. Had the reservations all set and was trying to get around to the point that we would be leaving Thursday To get there. Just seems like things keep piling up, that require taking care of. We wouldn't have been able stay for the Sunday activities as it was, because of the stress of getting back here for my responsibilities that start up each Monday morning and go through the week. I've been kinda rundown anyway and I am also concerned about getting enough rest. I
REALLY am going to regret not being able to meet those of you who
WILL be there.

I am really disappointed, but it just can't be helped. Seems like I've been going in circles for so long now and I am really looking forward to some "Wind Down" time. I had told my Dad that I was going to try to get him out to California to see 2 of his cousins that are still around (for who knows how long) and I haven't gotten that done either. Just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day, in the week, month....etc. I really HAVE to concentrate on that too!
Is there ANYTHING else that will be happening, that I might be able to get together with some of you?
My Apologies, Bill