Author Topic: While on another bike forum...  (Read 1372 times)

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While on another bike forum...
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:58:04 AM »
I was reading through some post at xs650garageusa, a guy posted a question about doing a hard tail on his bike.  His first two replies were from a couple of admins. I guess I don't see the point in chirping in on a technical post with unsolicited opinions especially if all you are doing is bagging on the posters plans for his own bike.  I'm glad the admins are a little more level headed here
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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 01:44:04 AM »
Ouch, you'd think moderators would be a little more diplomatic esp for a newbie first post!
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about our dear SOHC4 moderators doesn't it? ;D
I think the thing I most like about motorcycling is the speed at which my brain must process information at to avoid the numb skulls who are eating pies, playing the ukulele, applying make-up etc in the comfort of their airconditioned armchairs as they make random attempts to kill me!!!!!!!

Offline bill440cars

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 04:23:50 AM »
Ouch, you'd think moderators would be a little more diplomatic esp for a newbie first post!
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about our dear SOHC4 moderators doesn't it? ;D

           Isn't THAT the TRUTH! Surprising to see many folks stick around after a "Welcome Like That!"
Myself, I'M not into HAVING a "Hardtailed" bike, but I can aprreciate the work that goes into one. "Different Strokes For Different Folks!" Lots of folks ain't gonna like MY Super Hawk (Cafe'd/Custom) when I get IT done either. :D

           Yeah, we've got some "Real Sweethearts" for Admins. ;)
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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2009, 06:09:41 AM »
 I like the XS 650 site, but their "morals of the higher ups" leave alot to be desired.

 When someone would ask about different brakes for the 650's, I'd post this link

 or a photobucket slide show

 and I would get a PM from one of the moderators stating something like " posting to sell items is not allowed", but in the same thread, another member (Who is also a moderator there) would post "I have a dual disc set up for the XS, PM me" or something of the like.
 I've seen many threads on XS where the same "member/moderator" would post " I have a XXXX for sale, PM me for details" and it is never removed.

Quote from:  Vanna White

Photobucket slide show (Fishhead Big Brakes)

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2009, 06:35:36 AM »
those administrators should just keep thier mouths shut
the guy wants help no ridicule
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Offline sangyo soichiro

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2009, 01:06:22 PM »
No class.  You just don't ridicule another's artistic ideas like that.  If it's not your cup of tea, then don't drink it.

I don't have a hardtail, but that's the way all bikes used to be a long time ago.  When did rear suspensions become standard on motorcycles anyway, '50s, '60s? 

Do those admins ever ride a bicycle...? 

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2009, 02:01:54 PM »
Ouch, you'd think moderators would be a little more diplomatic esp for a newbie first post!
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy about our dear SOHC4 moderators doesn't it? ;D

It's the first time I've ever made anyone all warm and fuzzy ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D and to think, my wife said I was good for nothing :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Sam. ;)
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Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2009, 09:49:45 AM »
 I think a big part of the snarky reply is due to the fact that the XS650's are probably the most common bike this is done to and this only tightens up the supply of good original bikes.  It is especially bothersome to some when they see perfectly good Standard models cut up.  These are the collector bikes of the series.  It would be like someone taking a nice K0/1 and chopping it up.  Do you think any one would raise their eyebrows at that?  Now Mrblasty's 75 XS is pretty rough and no one is going to give him grief about cutting it up even though the 75 is becoming quite sought after.  My 75 on the other hand is a very good candidate for a restoration being solid, complete, and original.  I would expect a bit of grief if I posted saying I was going to chop it up.  I have seen numerous times were nice early standard models have been chopped up and to tell the truth I find that a little sad. 
« Last Edit: October 06, 2009, 09:52:18 AM by srust58 »

Offline sangyo soichiro

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2009, 11:41:14 AM »
I think a big part of the snarky reply is due to the fact that the XS650's are probably the most common bike this is done to and this only tightens up the supply of good original bikes.  It is especially bothersome to some when they see perfectly good Standard models cut up.  These are the collector bikes of the series.  It would be like someone taking a nice K0/1 and chopping it up.  Do you think any one would raise their eyebrows at that?  Now Mrblasty's 75 XS is pretty rough and no one is going to give him grief about cutting it up even though the 75 is becoming quite sought after.  My 75 on the other hand is a very good candidate for a restoration being solid, complete, and original.  I would expect a bit of grief if I posted saying I was going to chop it up.  I have seen numerous times were nice early standard models have been chopped up and to tell the truth I find that a little sad. 

That's a good point too.  I guess it's not just an artistic decision.  Now that I think about it, I kind of dislike chopped front fenders for this same reason.  Although I try not to hurt anyone's feelings or belittle them.
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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2009, 12:35:18 PM »
The more people chop up your model of bike the more rare it makes yours. If you own it, do whatever you want with it. God I love freedom  ;D

Offline le_sterls

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2009, 05:29:35 PM »
The more people chop up your model of bike the more rare it makes yours. If you own it, do whatever you want with it. God I love freedom  ;D

While this is true, I'd feel pretty bad stripping and chopping up a clean bike. I thought when I bought my bike that I was going to cafe it, then as I went along and talked to more enthusiasts personally, I kept getting the response of just leaving it alone, now I wouldn't have it any other way. Now my next bike which I hope to be a CB400 4 cylinder is going to be my cafe project.b ;D ;D ;D ;D
That's what I'd like to hear.
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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2009, 10:09:46 PM »
Yep, cafe and bobber the basket cases, I just love a stocker. ;D
I think the thing I most like about motorcycling is the speed at which my brain must process information at to avoid the numb skulls who are eating pies, playing the ukulele, applying make-up etc in the comfort of their airconditioned armchairs as they make random attempts to kill me!!!!!!!

Offline tortelvis

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2009, 02:14:38 PM »
While I personally would hate to see a really good example of a good classic hacked up, it is up to the owner to say. I saw too much of this crap with the flat hat brigade back in Blighty; "I say, you do realise that that you have the wrong pitch screw on that old boy."  ::)

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2009, 08:19:52 PM »
There is a  near mint 75 XS650 on Ebay with a buy it price of 4200, bids are up to 3200 with three days left.  It is getting harder to find good deals on these old XS's as prices are starting to pop. Now I feel lucky to have payed $350 for my scuffed up and not running at the time 75.

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Re: While on another bike forum...
« Reply #14 on: October 09, 2009, 06:38:52 AM »
This reasoning is why I decided not to chop my CB650C...I'm leaning towards Cafe, but with the mindset that nothing I'm doing can't be un-done.  Anything I'm taking off is going into a box in storage, and I'm not modifying the frame at all.

That having been said, yeah, those mods over there seem to be D-bags.