Author Topic: Road trip to God knows where  (Read 23224 times)

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Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2009, 09:28:58 AM »
I think the first pic at the top shows my gear off nicely.  Really brings out my eyes.

Man, why aren't there vistas like that in Iowa?
"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2009, 12:03:27 PM »

-It takes 16 kickstart attempts with three (3) prime/choke cycles to start a Honda CB750K6 on a 38º degree Minnesota morning

-Chemical handwarmers may, in fact, be used on bare skin with few ill effects.

-Farmers at gas stations in Austin, MN are very likely to carry spare bolts and washers, which can then be used to replace brake mount bolts that mysteriously vanish in situ.

-Iowa is a barren, wind-blown wasteland which should be avoided at all costs by sohc travellers with luggage that has a large surface area.

-Hour 7 of any motorcycle journey is hereby known as "The bat#$%*ting hour".

-The University of Iowa campus is like an alternate universe to the University of Wisconsin campus.  Like the episode of the Simpsons where Lisa goes the wrong school by mistake.  "Trilogy of Error", Season 12.

-Forum member, alltherightpills, is one of the finest hosts in the greater metropolitan Iowa City area.

-The University of Iowa mascot, the Hawkeye, is actually a shy, timid creature prone to talking to itself and is unable to handle simple regimens of psychotropic medication.  Well, judging by the homeless guy next to me at this tobacco bar, anyway.

-Taco-themed pizza is an extraordinarily great idea.

-I have to go to the bathroom, be right back.

-Did you know the state capitol used to, oh #$%*.  Be right back.

-What, again?


No trouble yet as far the bike goes, and free parking at the IU hotel garage.  Or at least I'm assuming they made the gate that easy to get around for a reason.  Upon getting the bike started in MPLS, I was horrified to see a growing pool of oil under the stator cover and crankcase cover.  But after warming up and slightly tightening the crankcase cover, the leak almost stopped completely.  A mild amount of weeping is happening sporadically around the jugs, and the oil pressure sensor is spewing a moderate amount of oil, but otherwise things seem alright.  After about hour 4 or 5, the bike starts sounding rough in the lower RPMs, and the engine has some VW Bug-ish sounds around 3.5K, but all in all it hasn't missed a beat.  The forecast in Iowa City is for rain all day, so I extended my stay by a day.  Next up is Kansas City, which I can reach by (A) traveling really boring interstates for 5 hours, or backroads for 8+ hours.  I'm a bit torn between the two, honestly.  I'm not sure I can do 8 hours, since even double doses of advil seem to have no effect on my bike by that point.  But maybe I'll grow a pair and do it the backroads way.

Off to drink varying amounts of caffeine and beer.   

"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline coldright

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2009, 02:23:32 PM »
If it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger... right?

Offline seaweb11

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2009, 05:52:22 PM »
I think the first pic at the top shows my gear off nicely.  Really brings out my eyes.

Man, why aren't there vistas like that in Iowa?

I went back and looked ;D ;D ;D

We have the same tailor ;)

Stay safe out there.............

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2009, 07:26:23 PM »
I need a fix!

 update pleez... ;D
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

73 836cc.. Green, had it for 3 decades!!
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Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #30 on: October 10, 2009, 09:15:34 PM »
If it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger... right?

If that's true, then I cannot be killed.  What shall I do with these newfound superpowers?

So, when I left Minneapolis 4 days ago it was 38º.  This morning when I awoke in Kansas City, it was the exact same temperature.  I've travelled 440 miles south and 120 miles west, with no discernible change in weather.  Lovely.

So, the last night in Iowa City was a proper sendoff, thanks to forum member Alltherightpills.  I was shown only the cheapest and non-douchey bars that Iowa City has to offer.  It all started with $1 PBRs at some bar I can't recall the name of, and ended with $3.50 Powers Whiskeys at the Foxhead.  Despite the bizarreness of being surrounded by Hawkeye logos and ridiculousness, Iowa City is a right nice place to have a drink and stick around a while.  Pills even educated me about the city's fine literary history, and Iowa Writer's Workshop.  I felt humbled and eventually drunkened just to be in their midst.  Pills, you're a hell of a host.

Decided to try and make it to K.C. on thursday.  I pussed out, and took I-80 to I-35 by Des Moines, and did make it to K.C. at around the 7 hour mark.  Certain parts of Iowa and NW Missouri aren't as bad as advertised.  If you squint, they sort of look like beer sign vistas of majestic lakes and rolling hills.  But the unrelenting boredom of safety-minded interstates proves to be a hazard in its own right.  Best to keep a steady diet of energy drinks and coffee on hand.  The bike is slowly changing.  If it liked 3.5K rpm before, it now demands to above 4K at all times, otherwise it sounds like a Mexican taxi.  The oil leak shows no sign of letting up, (uhh, not sure if oil leaks just go away) but seems stable.  I might have mentioned the weeping leak on the right side of the jug that's covering everything in its wake.  Its still there.  I know its having an air starving effect on the #4 pod, but at this point I'm just pressing on to Austin.  If worse comes to worse, I know a good mechanic there.  ACME Motorwerks.  They're good sorts.

If I've neglected to mention anything about my time in Kansas City, its because I'm still recovering from it and piecing bits of it together again.  As promised, Inkscars and Ben show up at my Drury Hotel, and whisk me away to a kabob joint.  Which doesn't serve booze.  But, as it turns out this will not be a problem.  We are attending a "Power Hour" at the Dark Horse, where its all you can drink for $12 and two hours.  Normally, a "Dark Horse" refers to strong, unknown contender who beats all the known contenders for some sort of prize.  There aren't any kinds of those people here.  The first person I encounter grabs my arm and starts twisting it to and fro, examining my leather jacket.  I think he's #$%*ing with me, but after a bunch of slurred speech, I realize he actually wants to buy my jacket.  The rest of the bar is filled with working class heroes and not a few gangsters, some real and mostly imagined.  Boobs are exposed, beers are drank, but soon we're outta there and picking up some beer and just heading home to Ink and Ben's garage.  Now the real drinking can begin.

Ink's 750 is a brutalist's dream.  No muffler, no mirrors and no turn signals.  It sounds like sex among cavemen.  Jaeger is passed around, #$%* is talked and shat is spoke.  The complete and unabridged history of what anyone has done with their bikes is shouted and discussed over an air hockey table which may or not work.  At 1am I cry uncle, and go home.  I've been up since 5:30am, and I'm done.  We make vague plans to have bbq the next day, and we do.

Oklahoma Joe's in Kansas City is a palace and shrine to the art of preparing meat with the use of fire.  having spent 3 years in Texas, I'm suspicious of any technique using sauce.  But I'm confronted with a hillock of meat dwarfing a bun, and its on.  Before me lies a "Smoky Joe" sandwich, plus onion rings.  In twenty-five minutes, I defeat the mound of pork and fried onion before me, and leave Kansas City a victor.  I have no idea where I am, and can't make heads or tails of Ink's directions.  But she keeps mentioning I-35 and heading north, so I so.  She's right.  I really should stop doubting women so much.  Thanks, Ink.

I wake up this morning and decide to head to Joplin, MO.  After all, Route 66 runs through it.  Route 66 begins in Chicago, where I started.  Its just 153 miles from where I am, and a short ride would do me good.  An uneventful ride later, I roll through Joplin.  I break off I-44 and take Route 66 in to town.  The first sign I see says, "Meth Free Rally".  Its a harbinger of things to come.  I stop at the Black Market Liquor Store and pick up beer and whiskey and ask about hotels.  Three toothless people (only one of whom I actually asked) tell me to Main st. and head south so I can, "have some fun and anything I want".  Clad head to toe in black leather, maybe they've got the wrong idea.  I feel like I've just spent all day cheating death, I just want clean sheets.  I drive around downtown looking for a hotel, but no luck.  I relent and head for the tourist drag.  Thirty minutes later, I have clean sheets and internet access.  I feel like I've failed as far as being adventurous, but I just need a night off with a six pack and no talking. 

And that's that.  Good lord, I'm retyping everything three times for typos.  Long day, time to put the top down on the interweb and pass out.     
"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline Inkscars

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2009, 09:43:15 PM »
you said so instead of do.
other than that, nicely put.
glad ya made it buddy.
You really SHOULD stop doubting women.
And who the hell named us; click-click-click-click-click-click

81 Hardly Davisson

Offline seaweb11

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2009, 11:25:58 PM »
Love it all ;D  sounds a bit like .........

This made me spit " "Meth Free Rally".   ;D ;D ;D   small towns ??? ::)

roll up some paper towel into tiny small balls and stuff them in between the fins on the right side. Keep your leg clean at least ;)  Have at er, sounds like you are representing out there!

Offline coldright

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2009, 11:46:45 PM »
so I so
kinda has a ring to it.

Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #34 on: October 11, 2009, 06:02:55 AM »
you said so instead of do.
other than that, nicely put.
glad ya made it buddy.
You really SHOULD stop doubting women.

YOU really should stop diminishing men, Ink.  Remember, fragile male ego at work here.

By the by, its 38º this morning.  Again.  I think I need bbq before I shove off this morning.  Seemed to work nicely yesterday.
"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline Inkscars

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #35 on: October 11, 2009, 09:01:12 AM »
careful meow. you'll get addicted to the BBQ.
And who the hell named us; click-click-click-click-click-click

81 Hardly Davisson

Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2009, 08:37:26 PM »
There's not much time.  I just ate a burrito and had a margarita and I'm about to pass out.

-Passed through the entire state of Oklahoma today.  Route 69.  I don't think I missed much.  I did want to check out Muskogee, but I didn't.  I hereby flunk "Motorcycle Touring 101".

-Lost my tach shortly after I left Joplin, MO.  It just bobs up and down above "0".  I can hear where things are at, so no biggie.

-I think I have to tighten the chain again.  Its been Iowa City (747 miles) since the last adjustment.  I think the chain is going.

-Getting a chunky miss as far as acceleration out of 1st, but it might be chain related.  And if not, there's not much to be done about it till I get to Austin.  If I get to Austin.

-I wrapped a towel around the #4 carb boot, in hopes of catching some of the oil weeping from the jugs or the tach.  It sort of worked.  Also, the wads and rolls of gas station handtowel seem to stick nicely between the fins despite the 70-75 mph winds, though its hard to tell if they make any difference.  Nice tip though, Seaweb.  If I make it to Austin, I'll credit you.

-I thought about the song "City of New Orleans" just after I exited I-44.  I could not get it out of my head the rest of the ride.

-Wow, another lame Sunday Night Football contest.  The feckless Titans are rolling over and letting a dome team have their way.  Time to go to bed.

-I feel lame for staying in La Quintas and Drurys and Holiday Inns, but after riding all day, all I want is clean sheets.  I had visions of tearing up main streets and evenings of dive bars.  But I'm just spent.  The soulless strip malls and 80 ft. tall signs bearing hotel chain logos are my beacons in the night.  How perfectly strange. 

"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline seaweb11

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #37 on: October 11, 2009, 09:51:36 PM »
Are you at least checking the oil every day?  I know I started to burn / leak some ;)
Yeah check the chain every evening as well.

Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #38 on: October 12, 2009, 07:36:16 AM »
Are you at least checking the oil every day?  I know I started to burn / leak some ;)

Yeah, every 50 miles in fact!  Its somewhat reassuring that despite leaky siv that is my engine block, I've barely had to refill it since MPLS.  It may be losing its sea legs, but its not burning oil.

I also lost the front brake switch at some point, but I brought a bunch of connectors and electrical tape, so that should be fine.

The chain gets lubed every day after it warms up a bit, but its gonna need to be replaced soon.

Can't seem to upload pics right now.  Oh well.
"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline BeSeeingYou

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #39 on: October 12, 2009, 09:02:37 PM »
You got out of Minneapolis just in time.  It has been downhill all week with snow on the ground now. :(  Sounds like the bike is holding together, mostly. ;D  Good luck on the road to Austin.  I have to say that Skonnie's bike does have a nice rat bike patina going on, the tank was pretty cool.

Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2009, 09:33:42 AM »
You got out of Minneapolis just in time.  It has been downhill all week with snow on the ground now. :(  Sounds like the bike is holding together, mostly. ;D  Good luck on the road to Austin.  I have to say that Skonnie's bike does have a nice rat bike patina going on, the tank was pretty cool.

Yeah, Watkins told me its been 27º.  He went riding in it, the tough bastard.  Its been sort of a recurring joke, that for four straight days after I left MPLS it was still 38º, no matter how far south i got.  Kind of like the movie "Groundhog Day". 

So, I dropped radio contact to avoid tipping off my friend that I was actually rolling into Austin.  I had a feeling the bike would make it once I got into Texas.  The landscape crossing the Red River melted my heart.  Wide open and so vast, it makes you gasp for air.  Its just impossible to comprehend the enormity of it all.  I thought so little of Oklahoma that I took one picture at the first rest stop, and just plowed through the rest of the state in 6 hours.  Route 69 is not bad, though heavily trafficked by semis.  The roads are nice and smooth, though characterized by rain grooves in the pavement that are worn smooth in the tracks, but liable to grab your wheels in the middle.  I stopped for gas around Oktaha and was told I looked like "that guy in Sons of Anarchy".  I told her I was more like a nephew of socialism and this confused her.


So, I stopped in Sherman, shat, showered and shaved (not really) and basically just pressed on.  I feel bad that I've forsaken all the small roads I planned on taking.  I feel like I'm cheating myself out of one of the principle reasons I went on this trip.  I had visions of bucolic country roads and rolling landscape unfurling before me, but this trip has shown itself to be a death match more than anything.  Weather, long days and plans to meet new forum folks have all conspired to make the trip into my own personal enduro race.  I don't so much enjoy the journey as I enjoy the feeling of conquering my fears and doubts about the journey.  Every day the bike starts and transports me several hundred miles is a victory.  Every time I twist the throttle at 70 mph and there's still something left, I've won somehow.  But tunnel vision is setting in, and all I can think about, and the only measure of success or failure will be whether or not I make it to Austin.

Accordingly, I decide to take it easy and split the remaining 260 miles into two days.  This way, I can take country roads and get back to enjoying the ride. 

But then, the rain comes back.

Its not that bad on the first leg, from Sherman to Waco, but its enough to make me conservative and just want to get through Dallas and stick to I-35.  Probably the worst thing about Dallas traffic is that its largely composed of people from Dallas.  They drive like #$%*s.  I think they know this, which is why they choose to elevate themselves above such a low station in life by driving extremely tall vehicles.  But by alternating between riding homicidally fast and very slow, I make it through Dallas in under an hour.  By then, I'm almost to Waco, so screw it.  It would have taken me 5 hours to go around Dallas, so there you have it.

Waco is an interesting town.  I'd scoped out some hotels, but have a tough time finding them.  I decide to stop and have a beer and ask the locals where I should stay.  The Hilton it is, I guess.  The town reminds me of Joplin, MO. in the sense that its been been beat up a bit by the recession.  Lots of empty lots and warehouses.  The first intersection I stop at features a man wearing a monk's robe and a staff, directing imaginary events or traffic.  Fascinating.  I am proud to say that I did not mention the name David Koresh once while I was in Waco.

The rain held off during most of my trip to Waco, but its nothing but pisswater and endless grey vistas the next morning.  I wake up and it rains and rains and rains.   I check out, and spend the next 3 hours waiting in the hotel lobby, hitting "refresh" on the weather channel site to see if the green and blue blob will pass over the words, "Waco".  I get precisely one bar of interweb, so the hilarious absurdity of receiving instantaneous info over the web meets the reality of waiting 5 minutes for a page to load.  I might as well just stare out the window and guess.

But it lifts, and I'm out of there, albeit 3 hours late.  Again, the idea of taking fun roads takes a backseat, and I'm off on I-35 again.  I have a date with old friends and multiple pints of Oktoberfest at the best bike-friendly bar in Austin, Lovejoy's.  For the first time in almost two weeks, I'm burning up.  Its close to 90º, and anything less than 50 mph worth of wind hitting me is not enough.  But I'm close to Austin, and in my skewed sense of time and space, being 40 miles away is almost close enough to spit on it.  Through Temple, TX. and I discover another new wrinkle of warm weather: giant dragonflies and insects in general.  I have to remind myself not to duck, and in good time I'm face to face with several freakishly large dragonflies suiciding themselves on my visor.

Austin is reached with a minimum of stop and go traffic, and without further ado I'm parked in front of Lovejoy's.  All the old crew is there, and soon giant Oktoberfest steins are being clinked.  Cheers to cheating death, cheers to Austin, cheers to #$%*ing everything.  Friends arrive, and the rest of the evening devolves into a blur of tacos and Lone Star.

According to my odometer, this whole thing took 1925 miles.  Its hard to keep focus and remember that this is just one leg of the trip, the next being New Orleans and halloween, with a return trip that may have to include a truck if the weather turns.  The bike's fairly strong, but it needs an oil change and possibly new pods or an air box if I can score one.  I think the oil leak is going to be OK, but there is a mechanic here, though I doubt he'd be able to patch my bike up in less than two weeks, considering the need to remove the engine.  I have a well deserved day or two off the bike, but I need to sort this out. 

Still, with the help and hospitality of forum members, their kind advice and the thousands of posts that served as a bible to sohc repair, I got this far.  Who's to say I can't make it the rest of the way.

Wow, what is, a #$%*ing novel?  Time to do some day drinking.  Pics later.
"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline 754

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2009, 09:58:55 AM »
Cool, I like your story so far, glad you got into warm weather.. riding in shirtsleeves & being able to sleep outside, beats the cold anyday.. ;D

 Unless your oil leak got worse, and you are not having to top up constantly, its probably good to go as far as you can make it, they will go for an incredibly long time..

 When I left Calgary in August, I first laid eyes on the 750 I was to ride on Sat nite, they had woken it up from a long sleep a few weeks prior to that.. I first pulled the baffles, before i touched anything else.. then pulled the sprocket cover, they had not checked, removed the 9 tooth sprocket :o, and replaced it with an 18 T I brought along.. curiously the same diameter as the 9.. :o. So chain was bad, back tire was bad.. fidled with the front brake next day, got it to stop dragging.. put my Morris mag on the front.. mounted a saddlebag and my junk and I was off..

 yeah I had to deal with the chain and tire 2 days later, and again later... but I made it to Bonneville..  on the 300 $ 750.. ;D

 someone there said, you sure have no fear of riding that on a trip do you.. I said no, not at all.. ;D

 The more you ride it, the more you will trust it..

 NAWLINS, now that sounds like fun...
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

73 836cc.. Green, had it for 3 decades!!
Lost quite a few CB 750's along the way

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2009, 07:25:05 PM »

Did you just stay at the LaQuinta Inn in Joplin? Across the street from the old Riviera Roadsite motel and next to the Starbucks?
Funny thing, I just got home from visiting an old buddy in Carthage Mo. and stayed at that LaQuinta in Joplin Mon. thru Thurs.
Weather sucked all week. >:( >:(

Your Message Here!
You can still call me 'Schmitty'

1976 CB 750
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You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.
Charles Manson

You've got to watch your back in the SSDB, this is where the clever guys get bored with bike talk and make poo jokes.
I like my women a little big. Natural. Now, they shave this and wax that. It's not right. I love natural women. Big women. This trend in women has to go. Bulomia, anorexia. That's just wrong. You know what will cure that? My special sticky buns. One lick of my sticky buns and your appetite will come right back. ~ RIP Mr. Borgnine  01/24/1917 - 07/08/2012  :'(

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2009, 07:51:02 PM »
Cool, I like your story so far, glad you got into warm weather.. riding in shirtsleeves & being able to sleep outside, beats the cold anyday.. ;D

 Unless your oil leak got worse, and you are not having to top up constantly, its probably good to go as far as you can make it, they will go for an incredibly long time..

 When I left Calgary in August, I first laid eyes on the 750 I was to ride on Sat nite, they had woken it up from a long sleep a few weeks prior to that.. I first pulled the baffles, before i touched anything else.. then pulled the sprocket cover, they had not checked, removed the 9 tooth sprocket :o, and replaced it with an 18 T I brought along.. curiously the same diameter as the 9.. :o. So chain was bad, back tire was bad.. fidled with the front brake next day, got it to stop dragging.. put my Morris mag on the front.. mounted a saddlebag and my junk and I was off..

 yeah I had to deal with the chain and tire 2 days later, and again later... but I made it to Bonneville..  on the 300 $ 750.. ;D

 someone there said, you sure have no fear of riding that on a trip do you.. I said no, not at all.. ;D

 The more you ride it, the more you will trust it..

 NAWLINS, now that sounds like fun...

You should start "your own" travel thread with all those great stories ;)

Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #44 on: October 18, 2009, 07:09:56 PM »

Did you just stay at the LaQuinta Inn in Joplin? Across the street from the old Riviera Roadsite motel and next to the Starbucks?
Funny thing, I just got home from visiting an old buddy in Carthage Mo. and stayed at that LaQuinta in Joplin Mon. thru Thurs.
Weather sucked all week. >:( >:(

No, I stayed at the Drury Inn.  I tried to find some places in the historic downtown area, but ended up going back to the trashy Range Line area for big name chain hotels.  I didn't feel 70º until I got out of Waco.

Maybe these pics will upload.  If they do, this is the companion editorial:

-The truth, the way and the light, as rendered in duct tape and sharpie.

-The first photographic evidence ever of me consuming Iowan beer.  Vastly inferior to its northern counterpart.

-Are we riders of motorcycles, or suiciders of insects?

-I fail MacGuyver 101, but my old habit of wearing safety pins from my punk days did come in handy.

-2000 miles is a long way to go to have a drink at one of your favorite bars.  But their Oktoberfest beer has a way of dulling the pain and seemingly halving the miles.

Keep Austin something or other.

"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline Skonnie Boy

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #45 on: October 18, 2009, 07:16:22 PM »
Cool, I like your story so far, glad you got into warm weather.. riding in shirtsleeves & being able to sleep outside, beats the cold anyday.. ;D

 Unless your oil leak got worse, and you are not having to top up constantly, its probably good to go as far as you can make it, they will go for an incredibly long time..

 When I left Calgary in August, I first laid eyes on the 750 I was to ride on Sat nite, they had woken it up from a long sleep a few weeks prior to that.. I first pulled the baffles, before i touched anything else.. then pulled the sprocket cover, they had not checked, removed the 9 tooth sprocket :o, and replaced it with an 18 T I brought along.. curiously the same diameter as the 9.. :o. So chain was bad, back tire was bad.. fidled with the front brake next day, got it to stop dragging.. put my Morris mag on the front.. mounted a saddlebag and my junk and I was off..

 yeah I had to deal with the chain and tire 2 days later, and again later... but I made it to Bonneville..  on the 300 $ 750.. ;D

 someone there said, you sure have no fear of riding that on a trip do you.. I said no, not at all.. ;D

 The more you ride it, the more you will trust it..

 NAWLINS, now that sounds like fun...

Beats my tale.  I'll just have to get arrested in NOLA or make sure I break down along the the way to top yours, 754!
"Yeah, I'm hip about time. But I just gotta go."

Offline 754

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #46 on: October 18, 2009, 10:13:53 PM »
I will try to write a story on my trip, maybe to 07 as well..

 Cuz I aint told it all yet..
 like when I stopped riding that first night at the rest area, I had no faceshield or windshield, but had goggles.. took a rerst at 2:45 am as  a cop just told me it was 47degrees, and not going to get warmer..
 no real coldweather gear, like longjohns.

 or about the 17.00 chain I put on, or that fu$^&6ng used tire that came back to bite me in so many ways,...

 The perils of  not having a

..and I had not had a single ride in 23 months..


 I am truly impressed with Andys ride... you have no idea how I would love to be able to tell a$$wads, that give me a rough time about my old bikes VS their new crap..  that I can ride further in 40 deg or lower weather than most of them will ride ontheir best days... ;D
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

73 836cc.. Green, had it for 3 decades!!
Lost quite a few CB 750's along the way

Offline andy750

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2009, 08:12:35 AM »

 I am truly impressed with Andys ride... you have no idea how I would love to be able to tell a$$wads, that give me a rough time about my old bikes VS their new crap..  that I can ride further in 40 deg or lower weather than most of them will ride ontheir best days... ;D

Is this a compliment or are you having a go at me?

Ive done the miles on the 750 in all weathers and now trying something different. Still have the 750 ;-)

Current bikes
1. CB750K4: Long distance bike, 17 countries and counting...2001 - Trans-USA-Mexico, 2003 - European Tour, 2004 - SOHC Easy Rider Trip , 2008 - Adirondack Tour 2-up , 2013 - Tail of the Dragon Tour , 2017: 836 kit install and bottom end rebuild. And rebirth:,173213.msg2029836.html#msg2029836
2. CB750/810cc K2  - road racer with JMR worked head 71 hp
3. Yamaha Tenere T700 2022

Where did you go on your bike today? -

Offline Big Bob

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2009, 04:58:52 PM »
Coming home from New Orleans?

I-55 in Arkansas is one of the most miserable stretches of asphalt in the world.  I've ridden round trip to NOLA twice and both times that stretch of road sucked.

If you're not in a hurry pick up the Natchez trace over to Nashville.  Nice road.  Unfortunate 50mph speed limit.  Federal speed limit, meaning a $500 ticket.  But it's a really nice road.

And if you get within a half days drive of Chicago and the weather brings you to a halt give me a call and me and The B.A.V. will come get you.

And get down with your bad self.

Offline 754

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Re: Road trip to God knows where
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2009, 08:18:03 PM »
Andy, altho I dont throw them around a lot, that was a compliment.. :)

 The point I was making, is that at a time when a lot of riders would be shipping the bike, or picking it up with a truck, you RODE it home.. knowing full that that weather could turn to #$%*e, on you... like I said, you probably rode it further than some people ride on the nicest days.

 I myself had a time a few years back, where a buddy with modern bikes, would say things like, "Thats how you used to ride, but you wouldnt do that today on your old bike"..  Apparently I still can ride (when i get the chance).  ;).
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

73 836cc.. Green, had it for 3 decades!!
Lost quite a few CB 750's along the way