I'd like to thank everyone for their support here.
The wife and I had a long talk, about a three day long talk.
It turns out that after our last big argument she decided to look elsewhere for comfort. It didn't go as far as I thought it had gone but it went far enough to hurt on hell of a lot.
There is no one side that is fully fault in this. She and I both have our issues. I know what alot of mine are and I'm trying to deal with them for mine and my families sake. I'm doing this regardless of keeping the marriage together.
My wife on the other hand is not sure what her issues are and so we are going to try counseling. I do love her and want to try and make this work. I just want to make sure that she will actually be trying also.
I've now removed our biggest roadblock to communicating. It was my reaction to her getting angry with my kids and I. She would be so unreasonable that I would get angry too. I'm not even close to nice or polite when I'm angry. I explode like an atomic bomb. Then we get stuck arguing, yelling, and nothing gets resolved.
I've now made myself keep control when she gets angry. I tell her that this is the type of situation that made me explode, and I'm trying not to. She then calms down and can talk.
There are many more issues and hopefully we can get those resolved.
However if she ever tries another affair, I will never talk to her again. There will be lawyers involved, one nasty custody battle, and a house lost.
Thank you all for your prayers and support.