about ten tears ago an economist figured a flat tax of 10%
if you made $100 you pay $10
if you made a million you paid $100k
all businesses paid 10%
no deductions
he said the government would make more money than before
and there would be more spending because the average person would have more money to spend
plus the savings of getting rid of the IRS
too much common sense
I am familiar with the report. But the economist didn't believe that the government should be in the hand out business. And with the deficit, the amount would run short.
I think all Americans should expect basic entitlements. There are in no particular order;
Social Security
Education, K through College Undergrad
Federal Lands and Parks
Infrastructure (Transportation, Law Enforcement, and such)
Research (We need to compete with the world and produce world class products and technology. Also see Education)
Military (And I don't have a problem with national military service for ALL citizens. This would improve the quality of our military and ensure we don't fight somewhere unless it is absolutely necessary)
So that's why I used the higher percentage of 20%. And I bet 25% would be even better and still not a burden to anyone... Look at your last IRS return and consider 20% or 25%. It would make you smile...