Thanks for all the feed back.
I should have mentioned the dimensions of the garage. It's about 16x20. I'd like to get something to keep me at least warm, maybe the entire garage. I say this because the winters in the northeast can get pretty brutal. And my way of keeping my sanity and avoiding cabin fever would be to work on my project bike out in the garage. The problem is, it doesn't have any insulation at all.
The sunflower heaters would be fine with me but would it be fine in freezing temps? Also, I read somewhere that propane can freeze? Can someone explain this to me? I'd like the heater to be portable, but to be honest, I'd rather not lug this thing in and out of the garage every time I want to work on the bike.
How about these blower type propane/kerosene heaters? Anyone try any of these?
Also, since I never worked in a garage with an open flame, can someone tell me if a propane/kerosene setup would be safe if I kept the garage door and a window cracked? I'm trying to avoid explosions and passing out, lol.

I'll probably be removing anything with fumes in the garage just to be safe (ie paint, fuel, aerosols, ect...)