I let my friend drive my CM400 last night and without warning he decided to take the damn thing off-road.

He obviously wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ran over a huge freekin' rock. The only damage I can see, luckily, is a big-ass dent and hole in the "crossover" chamber for the exhaust. I removed the chamber and looked more closely, and all of the "innards" are broke/dent/clinking around.
I also noticed that the bike sounds a
whole lot better without the thing; sounds like a twin should sound. With straight pipes it's
entirely too loud, though, so I'm thinking of installing 24-inch long glasspacks right on the end of the headers. Straight pipes don't seem to run nearly as well as with the crossover, though I haven't changed jets in the carbs.
I know I could buy a crossover chamber on eBay but would really like to keep the sound of singles (though toned down quite a bit). I've seen pics of CB/CM's with true dual exhausts and I know my CB360 didn't have that chamber.
The stock CM400 seems somewhat anemic already so I don't want to do anything to hurt the power. My question is, will the singles + glasspack run as well as with the crossover? From looking at the inside of the crossover chamber, it seems that it would be mighty restrictive... Perhaps an H-pipe instead of the chamber? How would I determine where to put the H-pipe in relation to the header length?