I my self will be staying with tapered All Balls head bearings,they also now come with good upper and lower seals,( only ones that I know that come with seals ) + the correct washers for spacing. I just installed 2 sets on 750's and the owners are tickled pink! This is not a plug, But they have very good service,fast shipping,Two days for me,and very good techs, I usually talk to Kevin,and the bearing quality is high! And no muss no fuss there are in, your done. They are in my bikes. Next week I'm replacing the frt & rear,and sprocket carrier bearings on 1,70-2,72s 750's, Wheel bearings I also like "SKF" brand of bearings,I have had no complains what so ever!! Both these bearings cost a little more than the cheap jap ones but the quality more than makes up for it. This coming November 3rd will be my 40Th year working on 750,s
HEAD PS All Balls steering bearing AND seal kit #22-1011