Well, that'll teach you Limey bastards for installing that "Lucas" extinguisher system, ha ha! Oh wait a minute, I was going to be more sympathetic than that, sorry about that, I was thinking about that terrible fire, and then I started to think about ashes, then "The Ashes" and I got all angry and bitter again! Sorry about that, I'll try and be nicer next time...............
Now fuel prices in Britain have always been incredibly high, but to be fair (unlike English bowlers, those cheating bastards! Oops, here I go again! Sorry......) a UK gallon is 4.55 litres, whereas a US gallon is only 3.7 litres, so a UK gallon should cost about 20 percent more in the US, but as the average wage in Britain is about 25 percent higher than in the US, slowly that "enormous" difference in price is reduced.
Don't get me wrong, fuel is still markedly higher in Britain and Europe than the US or Oz, but as you're all rich bastards who can afford to buy half-decent cricketers from South Africa because you're all crap, then you can afford higher fuel prices, so suck eggs! Er, I'm sorry for that outburst, I better go and have a little lie down................ Cheers, Terry.